Friday, July 24, 2015

Looks like no more shopping at Target,

when it would help pay morons like these.

More from Miguel
Really Target? Tone deaf much? Or maybe plain blind about the PR optics on this one. You just said to your customers “We at Target don’t give much of a damn about customer safety and we rather see you bleeding.”

I don’t care what the corporate lawyers said, you just don’t step on the stupid gas pedal even if you are “legally” right.

The mind of a gun-grabber makes Target look like it's run by rational people.

A bit more on the "Which is the most victimized victim, so I know who to support?" idiocy.  I'd heard of some of this mess before but the others?  Damn.  Here's one:
A white gay man is still a white man, which goes some way to explaining why their faces and voices are the ones that dominate all LGBT marketing and news, say an increasing number of disgruntled disabled black lesbians.

There was recently a furore over the absolute invisibility of “people of colour” at Pride events, with some even accusing the gay community of white-washing the rainbow. Gay men are the masculine oppressors of the LGBT community. They, like the straight white men before them, will eventually be ejected from polite society.

1 comment:

George Groot said...

"They, like the straight white men before them, will eventually be ejected from polite society."

Any society that ejects people simply on race, gender, and sexual orientation is by definition NOT "polite."

Obviously the irony was lost.