Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The question must be asked about Harris: is there any part of the Constitution

she's sworn to uphold that she wouldn't violate?  
We have her recorded hostility to the 1st Amendment, and the 2nd, now we have the 4th:
“Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn't mean that we're not going to walk into that home and check to see if you're being responsible.”
Video and audio here.

This also tells us, if there was any doubt, that her word is not worth crap.  Another reason to not want her in the Oval Office.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Oh yeah, nothing to worry about here, noooo...

The Department of Homeland Security on Wednesday officially designated the Electoral College vote count and certification as a special national security event, putting the U.S. Secret Service in charge of security surrounding the process.

If you're thinking what I'm thinking, in the aftermath of the July assassination attempt against Donald Trump, the Secret Service — "one of the elite law enforcement agencies in the world" — presently has a self-inflicted, less-than-stellar image.

So, what's the deal? Why this, now?

I'm sure people have a lot of ideas about that.  Mayorkas has lied under oath to Congress so many times they may have lost count(with nothing ever done about it), the USSS has demonstrated a less-than-stellar quality of work and a head who's lied a few times under oath himself, their performance with the two assassination attempts, and now this?

And we sure-hell can't trust the Feebs. Once more, ain't this a wonderful damned mess?

Oh, and speaking of the USSS,
But as the Post noted, Routh only got that close because of a security gap that the “Secret Service has known about for years.”

“News photographers — including those hired by The Post — have had no problem repeatedly securing spots around the perimeter of the course to snap pictures of Trump playing golf or driving around in a golf cart,” the Post reported. “They have even taken images — which require a clear line of sight to the 45th president — unnoticed through the bushes with telephoto lenses.

“Some have gotten as close as 75 yards — without so much as a sideways glance from the Secret Service.”

Monday, September 16, 2024

Two more jewels from the Feebs and USSS

First, isn't it either law or regulation that, when asked for it, they're required to show their ID?  Do these two just not want to admit their names, or trying to hide them for some other reason?

Second, on the USSS,
On July 13, law enforcement personnel abandoned the rooftop of American Glass Research Building 6—the roof from which Thomas Crooks attempted to assassinate the former president—because of hot weather.
• The Secret Service’s Office of Protective Operations-Manpower told agents in charge of security for the Butler rally not to request additional security resources because they would be denied. ...
Oh, there's a lot more.

And now, on the 'investigation'*
U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., ranking member of the Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations told The Federalist in an interview Sunday evening that he is particularly frustrated by the Secret Service’s and FBI’s failure to grant the committee overseeing these agencies access to key sources.

“FBI Deputy Director [Paul] Abbate said they’ve done over 1,000 interviews. We’ve done 12,” Johnson said. “The Secret Service hasn’t let us to talk to them. The FBI hasn’t given us one 302 [interview report]. When we get documents, they’re often the day before, and heavily redacted.”

I think I said before, a lot of people need to be fired.  And the list is getting longer.

*Isn't 'investigation' a funny word for "Hide everything we can from the Committee"?

A good whack at the EUnuchs, who seem to have the same philosophy: "Cause us bad publicity

and you're gone."
According to Deadline, Breton has been "at odds with von der Leyen [since] August when he sent a letter to Musk, urging him to ensure that X adhered to EU regulations and moderated content."
In response, Musk told Breton to back-off with an expletive-laden meme on X, taken from the satirical action thriller Tropic Thunder.

The European Commission would not comment on the insult, but a spokesperson stated that “the timing and wording” of Breton’s letter to Musk had not been coordinated with von der Leyen or other commissioners, in a response that was seen as a rebuke to the commissioner.
Translation: Breton embarrassed Brussels and had to be sidelined.
And they can one and all go to hell.

"It's to save Nature!"

A 2020 survey counted 4,700 trees on the project site. Since then, however, the size of the project has been reduced.

Hundreds of Joshua trees appeared to have been destroyed in the last week, but on some portions of the site the trees still stand, residents said. Neither the company nor government agencies would say how many trees have been cut down. Avantus, the developer, said fewer trees will be destroyed than the government approved.

Heavy equipment has not yet started leveling the land where the trees were felled to prepare for the solar panel installation.

Residents fear the earth-moving work will increase the threat of valley fever — a fungal respiratory infection that is transmitted in dust. A local group found the fungus that causes valley fever in samples of topsoil from the five parcels surrounding the towns where the solar panels will be built.

And, if you ignore the trees, how many critters are being killed, burrows- and the land for- trashed, and so on?


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Well, someone tried to whack Trump again

This time, at least according to current information, the USSS actually performed fairly well.  I'm not linking to stories because I believe in the '48 to 72 hours' rule.  Especially with our Professional Journalists.

I will note that when Biden*/Harris put out the obligatory "We're glad he's safe" message, there were a number of "Really?  You've spent years calling him Hitler and anyone who either supports him or just doesn't support you a nazi, and you're glad he's alive?" responses.

On other Trump and "Professional Journalist" news,
I will, however, note this found at Insty:
BREAKING: ABC News Whistleblower Affidavit alleging that Kamala Harris was given an unfair advantage in her debate with Donald Trump has been released
We'll see what comes next.

Also, remember Zuckerbitch apologizing for censoring people and news?  I took a look over there, and not one damn thing other than oblique mentions could I find of the murder attempt.  So Z-bitch obviously wasn't that bothered about doing it, since he still is.

*Is Biden actually doing ANYTHING anymore?