I Don't Want Your Guns But...Obama may have financial reasons for pushing gun ownership restrictions and bans:
One of Obama’s biggest donors is the law firm of Skadden, Arps, Meagher and Flom, LLP, which contributed $340,264 to his presidential campaign as of September 2, 2008.[12] Skadden, Arps represents the inventors of a “firearm safety system,” patent number 6499243, which adds a biometric activator that links a gun to one owner. The “Summary of the Invention” section of the patent application notes:
The safety system further makes use of a person’s fingerprint data, which is a unique personal property that is highly suitable for tracking and control.[13] [Emphasis added]
Sidley Austin LLP has contributed $350,302 to Obama.[14] Sidley Austin represents the inventors of the “Gun identification kit,” patent number 7380706. This invention provides a way for every gun to have a spent cartidge case made available for entry into a ballistic “fingerprint” database. Of course, such a database is useful only if all firearms are entered into it:
Because the vast majority of publicly owned firearms have not been used in the commission of a crime, they will not show up in [such a] database. It would therefore be desirable to provide a means for increasing the number of firearms for which…information and data is available.
The inventors’ solution to this? Pass a law mandating that every gun is registered (serial number matched with shell casing and owner data, all permanently recorded):
One means of populating [such a] database would be to mandate that ballistic information be obtained and entered into the database for all firearms.[15]
Now, isn't that interesting?
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Since Obama's ties with Terrorist Ayers are coming out
no matter how the major media tries to avoid it, their object now seems to be "He wasn't such a bad terrorist."
Palin was referring to Bill Ayers, one of the founders of the group the Weather Underground. The group took credit for bombings, including nonfatal explosions at the Pentagon and the U.S. Capitol four decades ago.
'Nonfatal explosions'. By pure luck. And let's not forget about the bomb that ended the string for these bastards, the one that blew up while they were assembling it: it was a nail bomb. That they were going to plant, along with several others, at a dance at Fort Dix. Ayers has tried to claim recently that they 'weren't trying to hurt people, just damage property'. Bullshit. Even if that were true for the earlier bombs*, it's not for this one: you do not make a nail bomb to damage property, you make one to kill and cripple people. This miserable terrorist bastard was prevented from carrying out a mass murder due to his groups incompetence, or his incompetence as a bomb designer, or just plain luck. And Obama's been hanging around with him, working with him, for years.
*people who celebrate the Manson murders aren't exactly the type to worry about people getting killed.
Palin was referring to Bill Ayers, one of the founders of the group the Weather Underground. The group took credit for bombings, including nonfatal explosions at the Pentagon and the U.S. Capitol four decades ago.
'Nonfatal explosions'. By pure luck. And let's not forget about the bomb that ended the string for these bastards, the one that blew up while they were assembling it: it was a nail bomb. That they were going to plant, along with several others, at a dance at Fort Dix. Ayers has tried to claim recently that they 'weren't trying to hurt people, just damage property'. Bullshit. Even if that were true for the earlier bombs*, it's not for this one: you do not make a nail bomb to damage property, you make one to kill and cripple people. This miserable terrorist bastard was prevented from carrying out a mass murder due to his groups incompetence, or his incompetence as a bomb designer, or just plain luck. And Obama's been hanging around with him, working with him, for years.
*people who celebrate the Manson murders aren't exactly the type to worry about people getting killed.
And yet more from the 'most ethical Congress' that Pelosi promised us
Unqualified home buyers were not the only ones who benefitted from Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank’s efforts to deregulate Fannie Mae throughout the 1990s.
So did Frank’s partner, a Fannie Mae executive at the forefront of the agency’s push to relax lending restrictions.
Now that Fannie Mae is at the epicenter of a financial meltdown that threatens the U.S. economy, some are raising new questions about Frank's relationship with Herb Moses, who was Fannie’s assistant director for product initiatives. Moses worked at the government-sponsored enterprise from 1991 to 1998, while Frank was on the House Banking Committee, which had jurisdiction over Fannie.
This is the piece of crap that was standing in the House lecturing people about 'responsibility'. And I wonder how many payoffs he managed to lard into the bill that was just rammed up our backside?
So did Frank’s partner, a Fannie Mae executive at the forefront of the agency’s push to relax lending restrictions.
Now that Fannie Mae is at the epicenter of a financial meltdown that threatens the U.S. economy, some are raising new questions about Frank's relationship with Herb Moses, who was Fannie’s assistant director for product initiatives. Moses worked at the government-sponsored enterprise from 1991 to 1998, while Frank was on the House Banking Committee, which had jurisdiction over Fannie.
This is the piece of crap that was standing in the House lecturing people about 'responsibility'. And I wonder how many payoffs he managed to lard into the bill that was just rammed up our backside?
Visitor for the weekend
Daughter and ex have gone to a sci-fi con for the weekend, and this beast does not like strangers and groups, so
This beast is currently sitting next to my chair, asking to sit in my lap. I'm not used to a small critter that looks kind of like a dogdog so small I'm worried about stepping on it being in the house. However, she seems used to keeping out of the way so she hasn't collected any sole marks. And she's properly housebroken, so little worry there.
But it's really ticking of Security Staff to have this furball inside the house.
But it's really ticking of Security Staff to have this furball inside the house.
Maybe a rope AND tar & feathers booth
After the word of the House vote yesterday, I managed to stop cursing and considering calling on ancient deities to bring a plague of boils and syphilis- never mind, many probably have the latter, let’s make it permanent hemorrhoids, bad ones- on many of the people in Congress before I wrote to my Rep. Mary Fallin, who changed her vote from ‘no’ to ‘yes’, thus causing me a certain amount of desire for a building collapse in DCheartburn. Along with all but two of the other OK reps(one of whom doesn’t count as he voted ‘yes’ the first time). At this point, I’m curious: just what DO we do about these bastards?
Everything I’ve been hearing says the calls and e-mails to pretty much EVERYBODY was running 90% ‘NO. HELL NO!’, and yet the did it anyway. I do realize this is a Republic, not a Democracy, but the God-cursed senators and reps are supposed to pay some attention to what the people who elect them say.
Add to that the parade of larcenous dirtbags standing on the floor of both Houses lecturing us about financial responsibility… Charlie Rangel, who’s defended by that bitch Pelosi by saying “He’s a simple man and didn’t understand the tax laws” THAT HE HELPED WRITE. Barney Frank, who is one of the bastards who saw to it that nothing was done about this years ago. Lecturing us. It made me want to see a meteor hit the Capitol so we could start over from scratch. Yeah, we’d lose the good ones, too; since so many of the ‘good’ ones turned around and voted for this abortion, what good are they? I have always thought Coburn in the Senate and Fallin were good ones; but Coburn voted for this end-run around the Constitution in the Senate- bullcrap theft and all- and Fallin changed her vote, so what the hell good are they?
Yeah, I’m still pissed. And I told both of them I am. Which, as their actions seem to indicate, means less than a bag of fertilizer to them.
There’s GOT to be enough lampposts in DC, and we can take enough rope…
Everything I’ve been hearing says the calls and e-mails to pretty much EVERYBODY was running 90% ‘NO. HELL NO!’, and yet the did it anyway. I do realize this is a Republic, not a Democracy, but the God-cursed senators and reps are supposed to pay some attention to what the people who elect them say.
Add to that the parade of larcenous dirtbags standing on the floor of both Houses lecturing us about financial responsibility… Charlie Rangel, who’s defended by that bitch Pelosi by saying “He’s a simple man and didn’t understand the tax laws” THAT HE HELPED WRITE. Barney Frank, who is one of the bastards who saw to it that nothing was done about this years ago. Lecturing us. It made me want to see a meteor hit the Capitol so we could start over from scratch. Yeah, we’d lose the good ones, too; since so many of the ‘good’ ones turned around and voted for this abortion, what good are they? I have always thought Coburn in the Senate and Fallin were good ones; but Coburn voted for this end-run around the Constitution in the Senate- bullcrap theft and all- and Fallin changed her vote, so what the hell good are they?
Yeah, I’m still pissed. And I told both of them I am. Which, as their actions seem to indicate, means less than a bag of fertilizer to them.
There’s GOT to be enough lampposts in DC, and we can take enough rope…
Friday, October 03, 2008
And the bailout bandwagon goes on,
with effing California now talking about "Save us!"
Response: Screw you, California, and your little Ahnuld too. You screwed your budget, you fix it, dumbasses.
Oh, and next time Charlie Rangel(Tax Dodger-NY) opens his mouth to talk about 'responsibility', I hope someone kicks him in the testicles. Assuming they haven't atrophied.
Response: Screw you, California, and your little Ahnuld too. You screwed your budget, you fix it, dumbasses.
Oh, and next time Charlie Rangel(Tax Dodger-NY) opens his mouth to talk about 'responsibility', I hope someone kicks him in the testicles. Assuming they haven't atrophied.
Another reason why various members of the Senate
should be horsewhipped out of the place:
By a vote of 74-25, the U.S. Senate last night approved a bill aimed at "providing stability to and preventing disruption in the economy and financial system and protecting taxpayers"--popularly called the bailout.
Or, as it is formally known, the Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2007.
When the House rejected the same measure Monday, it was known as the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. The Providence Journal explains what happened:
In part, it has to do with the U.S. Constitution. Article 7, Section 1 says tax bills must originate in the House of Representatives.
In order to improve chances that the bailout bill, which the House defeated on Monday, would be approved this time around, the Senate tacked on several popular provisions, such as extending the life of business tax cuts that were set to expire and changing the alternative minimum tax, a much-loathed part of the tax code intended to ensure that the well-to-do pay their fair share but that in recent years has increasingly affected the middle class.
And an element of the tax package was legislation advanced by [Rhode Island's Rep. Patrick] Kennedy that requires health-insurance companies to offer coverage of mental illness on a par with that of physical illness.
Once the Senate added those provisions to the rescue bill, it qualified as a tax bill, which the upper chamber is constitutionally prohibited from originating.
In order to get around the Constitution, the leaders turned to the time-honored stratagem of finding a live but dormant House bill--Kennedy's mental-health parity bill--to use as a shell.
"They take out the entire text" of Kennedy's old bill, "and then, by amendment, they substitute the other bill," said Don Ritchie, an assistant Senate historian.
So the bailout ended up attached to a measure that extends benefits to people suffering from depression and is named after a lawmaker who died in a crash. Never let it be said that the U.S. Senate lacks a sense of humor.
That business idea is back on. I wonder what kind of price break I can get for buying rope in bulk?
By a vote of 74-25, the U.S. Senate last night approved a bill aimed at "providing stability to and preventing disruption in the economy and financial system and protecting taxpayers"--popularly called the bailout.
Or, as it is formally known, the Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2007.
When the House rejected the same measure Monday, it was known as the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. The Providence Journal explains what happened:
In part, it has to do with the U.S. Constitution. Article 7, Section 1 says tax bills must originate in the House of Representatives.
In order to improve chances that the bailout bill, which the House defeated on Monday, would be approved this time around, the Senate tacked on several popular provisions, such as extending the life of business tax cuts that were set to expire and changing the alternative minimum tax, a much-loathed part of the tax code intended to ensure that the well-to-do pay their fair share but that in recent years has increasingly affected the middle class.
And an element of the tax package was legislation advanced by [Rhode Island's Rep. Patrick] Kennedy that requires health-insurance companies to offer coverage of mental illness on a par with that of physical illness.
Once the Senate added those provisions to the rescue bill, it qualified as a tax bill, which the upper chamber is constitutionally prohibited from originating.
In order to get around the Constitution, the leaders turned to the time-honored stratagem of finding a live but dormant House bill--Kennedy's mental-health parity bill--to use as a shell.
"They take out the entire text" of Kennedy's old bill, "and then, by amendment, they substitute the other bill," said Don Ritchie, an assistant Senate historian.
So the bailout ended up attached to a measure that extends benefits to people suffering from depression and is named after a lawmaker who died in a crash. Never let it be said that the U.S. Senate lacks a sense of humor.
That business idea is back on. I wonder what kind of price break I can get for buying rope in bulk?
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Relief did show up last night. On time.
Which means I got a normal amount of sleep last night, or as normal as I get anymore. Which means I got some of the grocery shopping done, which gave me time to have the radio on and hear more of the details of the lump of phlegm the Senate coughed up. These clowns make a kid who just had his first successful solo poop in the potty chair seem subdued, with far less reason. The kid actually accomplished something good, the Senate just pissed in our boot(again) and told us it's a clean, healthy rain coming down outside.
My Senators split it, Inhofe voting no and Coburn yes. Coburn says he felt he had to, but he thinks the bill sucks. I'd far rather he'd said "This is an abortion of a rabid wolverine and I refuse to help screw the people back home just so something can be done." Ticks me off severely, it does.
On somewhat happier news, I see Steve has now conceded the K31 is capable of accurate fire. We told him, but did he believe us? Noooo.
Let's see, for the update on idiocy in (fG)Britain, they not only take a cane away from a 78-year-old man(it's a 'weapon', you see), they lose it.
Nah, no possible bias in THIS debate, no sir!
Screw it, I've got grass to mowg
My Senators split it, Inhofe voting no and Coburn yes. Coburn says he felt he had to, but he thinks the bill sucks. I'd far rather he'd said "This is an abortion of a rabid wolverine and I refuse to help screw the people back home just so something can be done." Ticks me off severely, it does.
On somewhat happier news, I see Steve has now conceded the K31 is capable of accurate fire. We told him, but did he believe us? Noooo.
Let's see, for the update on idiocy in (fG)Britain, they not only take a cane away from a 78-year-old man(it's a 'weapon', you see), they lose it.
Nah, no possible bias in THIS debate, no sir!
Screw it, I've got grass to mowg
Simple message for the 'public servants' who are in such a rush
to loot us. Again.
"Let me put it this way. We're told, over and over, that it's a 'crisis' and things have to be done NOW. And then we find out about all the giveaways and pork you people lard into this. That leaves us with two conclusions to choose from:
First, that it's NOT a crisis, just a bunch of politicians using this as another chance to loot our pockets to pay off their supporters and increase their power,
Second, it IS a crisis, and even in a crisis these people are willing to use it as a chance to buy support and increase their power, even if it trashes the country to do so.
So, which is it?"
"Let me put it this way. We're told, over and over, that it's a 'crisis' and things have to be done NOW. And then we find out about all the giveaways and pork you people lard into this. That leaves us with two conclusions to choose from:
First, that it's NOT a crisis, just a bunch of politicians using this as another chance to loot our pockets to pay off their supporters and increase their power,
Second, it IS a crisis, and even in a crisis these people are willing to use it as a chance to buy support and increase their power, even if it trashes the country to do so.
So, which is it?"
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Some assorted observations and thoughts
One of the sillier tv shows to be found is on Spike: MANswers, as in ‘answers for men’. Things like “How drunk can you get without dying?”, “Do artifical boobs float?”, etc. I’ve seen this on a couple of occasions(“I need some background noise, dammit, I’m about to fall over.”) Last week saw one which included the question “What’s the biggest handgun you can buy?” Illustrated, of course, by some scantily-clad and, ah, well-endowed females. They showed one shooting a .357 Mag, then a second with a .44 Mag, and then the answer to the question: .500 S&W Mag.
Their final test? Comparison of how the compensator on the .500 reduced recoil by comparing how much that shooters boobs jiggled during recoil compared to those of the one shooting the .44. Unfortunately, not the best test, as the lady shooting the .44 was a bit shorter and lighter than the .500 lady so she got a bit more motion. And, not knowing fully how the size of the affected body parts and levels of support compared, can’t really say it was a valid comparison. Entertaining, though.
And yes, this is a demonstration of how far down the tubes tv has slid.
The bug people came by a couple of weeks ago to do their annual “Go away, you little bastards” spraying around the house. Which is something I’m fairly happy to leave to someone else to do. I’ve always been uncomfortable messing with insecticides, more so since I found out how many of them are basically a nerve agent not much different than the stuff banned from use by various international treaties(which boils down to a few countries telling some others “If you use this shit, we will stomp you into the ground. If you use it on us, you’ll be gone.” God help everyone if some of these clowns decide we won’t do it).
Know how the first nerve agents were discovered? From what I've read, a German chemist was looking for better bug-killing stuff and came across two compounds that were so lethal they were useless for bugs, as they’d kill EVERYTHING they came in contact with. Meet Sarin and Tabun. Now, if you read the labels on lots of insecticides, the warnings include that they’re a ‘cholinesterase inhibitor’. Guess what Sarin and Tabun are? VX also, which is even worse than the others. The first two break down, usually in a few hours; VX is persistent. It can stay dangerous for months. A room could be decontaminated, but if a bit on the bottom of a doorknob was missed, someone could open the door a month later and die. Nasty in the extreme.
So, for the most part, I leave messing with the stuff to people trained at it. I just have this dislike for the thought of developing twitches and blackouts. Worse than I have now, I mean.
This is one of those things that cause problems because the difference between insecticide and war agent can be very slight, and the equipment to make them is considered ‘dual-purpose’. Remember the chemical trailers they found in Iraq? The first people who examined them developed symptoms of exposure to chemical agents. The Iraqis captured said “No no, these are for making insecticides for the crops!” Which is bullcrap; you don’t make pesticides in small lots that size. And, of course, when some media weenie asked if the symptoms COULD be due to insecticide they were told yes, the effects can be very similar, BUT… We know what happened, the ‘but’ was ignored and it was loudly declared that they WERE pesticide-making trailers and the nasty, lying American Army could not be trusted. Another reason I distrust just about every word that comes out of the mouth of a talking head.
Just finished reading John Ringo’s The Last Centurion. Very good rundown in there of just how much we depend on chemicals- sometimes very dangerous chemicals- to stay alive. I spent some years growing up in a small town in northern Oklahoma, farm & ranch country. You pick up things living in a place like that. How terribly important the weather is, and how much of the crops would disappear without the insecticides and herbicides we’ve got. It’s scary, it really is: the difference between plenty and hunger is something to kill the weeds and pests.
And the same stuff, misused or used carelessly, can kill you.
Right now I'm not looking forward to the rest of the day. Last night my relief did not show up, and their phone went straight to answering. Which meant I had an unexpected four hours extra before I could get home. About 4.5 hours sleep. Then a doctors appointment this morning that didn't happen: get there a few minutes early, then, at 45 minutes after the time the appointment was scheduled, tell the receptionist "I'm out of time" and leave. So the day's just gone along wonderfully since midnight. And that moron better show up tonight or I'll pay them a visit. With a club.
More bloggage later, when I have more time and am less sleep-deprived.
Their final test? Comparison of how the compensator on the .500 reduced recoil by comparing how much that shooters boobs jiggled during recoil compared to those of the one shooting the .44. Unfortunately, not the best test, as the lady shooting the .44 was a bit shorter and lighter than the .500 lady so she got a bit more motion. And, not knowing fully how the size of the affected body parts and levels of support compared, can’t really say it was a valid comparison. Entertaining, though.
And yes, this is a demonstration of how far down the tubes tv has slid.
The bug people came by a couple of weeks ago to do their annual “Go away, you little bastards” spraying around the house. Which is something I’m fairly happy to leave to someone else to do. I’ve always been uncomfortable messing with insecticides, more so since I found out how many of them are basically a nerve agent not much different than the stuff banned from use by various international treaties(which boils down to a few countries telling some others “If you use this shit, we will stomp you into the ground. If you use it on us, you’ll be gone.” God help everyone if some of these clowns decide we won’t do it).
Know how the first nerve agents were discovered? From what I've read, a German chemist was looking for better bug-killing stuff and came across two compounds that were so lethal they were useless for bugs, as they’d kill EVERYTHING they came in contact with. Meet Sarin and Tabun. Now, if you read the labels on lots of insecticides, the warnings include that they’re a ‘cholinesterase inhibitor’. Guess what Sarin and Tabun are? VX also, which is even worse than the others. The first two break down, usually in a few hours; VX is persistent. It can stay dangerous for months. A room could be decontaminated, but if a bit on the bottom of a doorknob was missed, someone could open the door a month later and die. Nasty in the extreme.
So, for the most part, I leave messing with the stuff to people trained at it. I just have this dislike for the thought of developing twitches and blackouts. Worse than I have now, I mean.
This is one of those things that cause problems because the difference between insecticide and war agent can be very slight, and the equipment to make them is considered ‘dual-purpose’. Remember the chemical trailers they found in Iraq? The first people who examined them developed symptoms of exposure to chemical agents. The Iraqis captured said “No no, these are for making insecticides for the crops!” Which is bullcrap; you don’t make pesticides in small lots that size. And, of course, when some media weenie asked if the symptoms COULD be due to insecticide they were told yes, the effects can be very similar, BUT… We know what happened, the ‘but’ was ignored and it was loudly declared that they WERE pesticide-making trailers and the nasty, lying American Army could not be trusted. Another reason I distrust just about every word that comes out of the mouth of a talking head.
Just finished reading John Ringo’s The Last Centurion. Very good rundown in there of just how much we depend on chemicals- sometimes very dangerous chemicals- to stay alive. I spent some years growing up in a small town in northern Oklahoma, farm & ranch country. You pick up things living in a place like that. How terribly important the weather is, and how much of the crops would disappear without the insecticides and herbicides we’ve got. It’s scary, it really is: the difference between plenty and hunger is something to kill the weeds and pests.
And the same stuff, misused or used carelessly, can kill you.
Right now I'm not looking forward to the rest of the day. Last night my relief did not show up, and their phone went straight to answering. Which meant I had an unexpected four hours extra before I could get home. About 4.5 hours sleep. Then a doctors appointment this morning that didn't happen: get there a few minutes early, then, at 45 minutes after the time the appointment was scheduled, tell the receptionist "I'm out of time" and leave. So the day's just gone along wonderfully since midnight. And that moron better show up tonight or I'll pay them a visit. With a club.
More bloggage later, when I have more time and am less sleep-deprived.
"Screw the law; I'm Nanny Bloomberg, and I Know Best!"
Mr. Bloomberg, whose second term ends in 2009, is barred by law from running for re-election. So he will propose revising the city’s 15-year-old term limits law, which restricts him and dozens of other elected leaders to two four-year terms, those people said.
People briefed on the matter said Mr. Bloomberg, 66, would seek to change the law through legislation in the City Council. His staff is envisioning an unusual bill that would apply only to those currently in office, allowing them to serve three terms instead of two. A permanent change would require voter approval, these people said.
Translation: "I don't care what I said before, and I don't care what the voters think! I'm Nanny Bloomberg, the city NEEDS my leadership, so I(and my buttmonkeys, but let's don't mention them) need to be reelected and screw the term limits!"
Thanks to Sondra for noting this
People briefed on the matter said Mr. Bloomberg, 66, would seek to change the law through legislation in the City Council. His staff is envisioning an unusual bill that would apply only to those currently in office, allowing them to serve three terms instead of two. A permanent change would require voter approval, these people said.
Translation: "I don't care what I said before, and I don't care what the voters think! I'm Nanny Bloomberg, the city NEEDS my leadership, so I(and my buttmonkeys, but let's don't mention them) need to be reelected and screw the term limits!"
Thanks to Sondra for noting this
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Choose your side: "We're all gonna DIE!" or
"It's not that big a deal." Flip a damn coin.
I've spent the last couple of weeks listening to this. One side details why we NEED to approve the (possibly, quite possibly more) 700 billion figure that it turns out they pulled out of their ass or the markets will collapse and the world will go into a depression. The other side's saying "Well, if it's that important, why all the games? And why is so much hidden crap larded into this bill?"
As various people have pointed out- repeatedly- it'd be a lot easier to see this as an actual crisis if
A: The people working to 'fix' it weren't treating it like one more chance to buy votes,
B: The people in charge of 'fixing' this weren't, in large part, the same bastards who had a hand in screwing it up in the first place.
C: We had one damn reason to trust these clowns.
Countrywide Dodd is sneaking pork for ACORN into the bill, for instance. This bastard shouldn't be allowed inside the damn building while this is being debated. Same for that crook Barney Frank, since- among others sitting there blaming the Stupid Party for the problem- he was one of the people, a couple of years ago, refusing to allow something to actually be done about the problems at Fannie and Freddie. And so on.
Tell you what: forbid every rep and senator who acted to prevent action being taken two years ago from taking any part in this; forbid any kind of 'money down the road' for ANY group like ACORN being a part of this bill; maybe, just maybe, that'll help convince me that there really is a 'crisis'.
I've spent the last couple of weeks listening to this. One side details why we NEED to approve the (possibly, quite possibly more) 700 billion figure that it turns out they pulled out of their ass or the markets will collapse and the world will go into a depression. The other side's saying "Well, if it's that important, why all the games? And why is so much hidden crap larded into this bill?"
As various people have pointed out- repeatedly- it'd be a lot easier to see this as an actual crisis if
A: The people working to 'fix' it weren't treating it like one more chance to buy votes,
B: The people in charge of 'fixing' this weren't, in large part, the same bastards who had a hand in screwing it up in the first place.
C: We had one damn reason to trust these clowns.
Countrywide Dodd is sneaking pork for ACORN into the bill, for instance. This bastard shouldn't be allowed inside the damn building while this is being debated. Same for that crook Barney Frank, since- among others sitting there blaming the Stupid Party for the problem- he was one of the people, a couple of years ago, refusing to allow something to actually be done about the problems at Fannie and Freddie. And so on.
Tell you what: forbid every rep and senator who acted to prevent action being taken two years ago from taking any part in this; forbid any kind of 'money down the road' for ANY group like ACORN being a part of this bill; maybe, just maybe, that'll help convince me that there really is a 'crisis'.
Monday, September 29, 2008
In ref to 'LE While Stupid' and 'Sorry Excuse For',
Very Helpful Commenter sent me this, and gave permission to post it:
It's nice when you have A: a COP with a working brain and B: a city council who apparently realizes who both votes and pays the bills.
I live in a bedroom community of 20,000 about 7 miles N. of the Seattle city limits. Last week my dog, Ozzy a 100lb pit was sleeping on the front stoop with the front door open behind him. I heard him "huff" a couple of times so I went to the door. One of our local minions of the law was standing in my driveway from where he told me Ozzy needed to be on a chain and muzzled. Since I'd never heard about that ordinance , I asked him for chapter and verse. I was told in no uncertain terms that it was his discretion and if I didn't have a muzzle or a chain on my dog, he could shoot him. I got the moron's name and badge number, put Ozzy inside and walked down to talk to the C.O.P., who lives four doors down the street to have a chat. I was so mad I was shaking. I told him what I just told you. Just after I went home, Officer Moron pulled his patrol car into the Chief's driveway. Ten minutes later he left. Just this morning the Chief stopped by to pet Ozzy and to tell me that Officer Moron had been terminated for cause because that was his third verifiable complaint of "Field Legislation". Or as the Chief called it, "Pulling ordinances out of his ass".
He also told me he was going to have a long talk with all of our uniformed officers about this sort of BS and how it was going to stop dead in its tracks. He also has little to no use for swat teams and tactical uniforms with face masks and full auto weapons. I told him it might be good for the officers to get out of their cars once in a while and simply take a walk through the neighborhoods to meet people as that might ameliorate the adversarial mindset some officers seem to be developing.
One other thing. A few years ago Police Officers out of the blue started issuing written warnings about picayune land use violations. Garbage containers too close to the street, lawns not neatly mowed, and RV's with one wheel on the grass in my and other's yards, that sort of thing. 20 or 25 of us went to the next city council meeting and told the city council, the Mayor and the City Manager ,whose idea this all was, that if things were so under control that the Police were being assigned "Hall Monitor" duties, perhaps we should cut the Police budget by 25 or 50 percent, and let some officers go. The city manager told us we were all a bunch of displaced rednecks and if we wanted to live like "White Trash" it was all right with her. Two months later we got a shiny new city manager with some sense. This place ain't Beverly Hills, ya know.
It's nice when you have A: a COP with a working brain and B: a city council who apparently realizes who both votes and pays the bills.
The bailout failed, which ended my thoughts on a new business:
putting up a booth on the DC Mall, selling pre-stretched and oiled hemp rope, each piece sold with direction on tying a proper hangmans noose.
Went out of town to visit some friends this weekend, and was listening to the radio on the way home as the vote counts were being announced. Including commentary on Pelosi looking like she'd bitten into something dairy that'd been left out in the sun. For a week or so. So the trip ended on a high note. I posted a couple of things over the weekend just so I wouldn't forget about them or get too busy on my return, otherwise, screw the internet.
Among other things done, there was a gun show so some of us spent Sunday morning there. And my Favorite Ammo Guy was there, which was very nice. You've probably noticed that not only have prices gone up, but most of the premium hollowpoint ammo is now found in 20-round boxes selling for what you used to buy a box of 50 for. This guy often has Hydra-Shok and Gold Dots in 50-boxes still, for a fair bit less than two of the 20-boxes, and he did. So I'm flush with carry ammo once again.
And now that I'm back, with laundry in the morning and work in the afternoon awaiting, I now return you to my normal bloggage.
Went out of town to visit some friends this weekend, and was listening to the radio on the way home as the vote counts were being announced. Including commentary on Pelosi looking like she'd bitten into something dairy that'd been left out in the sun. For a week or so. So the trip ended on a high note. I posted a couple of things over the weekend just so I wouldn't forget about them or get too busy on my return, otherwise, screw the internet.
Among other things done, there was a gun show so some of us spent Sunday morning there. And my Favorite Ammo Guy was there, which was very nice. You've probably noticed that not only have prices gone up, but most of the premium hollowpoint ammo is now found in 20-round boxes selling for what you used to buy a box of 50 for. This guy often has Hydra-Shok and Gold Dots in 50-boxes still, for a fair bit less than two of the 20-boxes, and he did. So I'm flush with carry ammo once again.
And now that I'm back, with laundry in the morning and work in the afternoon awaiting, I now return you to my normal bloggage.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Every time I hear more about the 'agreement' to SAVE US ALL!!!
from financial collapse, I keep seeing a bunch of desperate used-car salesmen trying to keep us from looking under the hood. And when they're this desperate, to not only force a deal but to try to use it to a: discredit McCain and b: puff up Obama, we need to bring out the tasers. As Kim put it,
My boss always said: ”When it comes to money, there’s no decision so urgent that you can’t sleep on it” (or something to that effect). And while everyone was screaming about the urgency of the $700 billion bailout, the warning bells in my head were deafening me, as I remembered both my boss’s words, and those of H.L. Mencken:
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
Add in the revelations about Dodd(Bought Off- Sleaze) and his earmarks for ACORN and such, and the other crap they're trying to lard on... Hell with tasers, we need ropes.
My boss always said: ”When it comes to money, there’s no decision so urgent that you can’t sleep on it” (or something to that effect). And while everyone was screaming about the urgency of the $700 billion bailout, the warning bells in my head were deafening me, as I remembered both my boss’s words, and those of H.L. Mencken:
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
Add in the revelations about Dodd(Bought Off- Sleaze) and his earmarks for ACORN and such, and the other crap they're trying to lard on... Hell with tasers, we need ropes.
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