Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Forgot to his 'publish' on the last one until now,

so a couple more things.

Starmer wants a real investigation like Gov. Hair Gel wants real responsibility for anything he's done,  And the other Labour clowns, which includes lots of prosecutors and police, are right up there with Starmer.

Speaking of Hair Gel, part of the consequences of his and the rest of the Left's sanctuary crap: arsonists being protected by it.

The Dept. of 'Justice' has this much leftover money and personnel to do this?  Time for a big cut in both.

And I'm out of time.

A mix of things to report on

Two bills in Congress, one telling the ATF to knock the BS off, and another saying "Screw this, stop trying to make new rules before you leave office."

The second would be nice, but the chance of Dettelbach & Co. not helping screw things, well, not good.  The bill to get rid of ATF also includes
In addition to getting rid of the ATF, the press release says Rep. Burlison is preparing legislation to repeal the 1934 National Firearms Act, or NFA, which he said, “unjustly taxes, registers, and restricts American gun owners.”
True, every word.  

Now, chances of?  Not good on getting rid of the agency, not enough of a majority and too many of what there is being too squishy.  Getting rid of the NFA, the leftists will scream bloody murder, but there is, I think, a chance of that.  Or at least getting things from it to the level of, say, a 4473 to buy a suppressor, some things like that.  We'll see.

Over in (formerly Great)Britain, no wonder the Labour side doesn't want a real investigation into child rape, it just might cause too many problems for their members.
Note that it says 'arrested following a sting operation by citizen pedophile hunters', which might have delighted some but otherwise probably pissed off the cops that they had to do something.

Also along the line, long piece about one of the big "He cleaned it up!" guys.  Slight problem: 
Afzal’s role is clear: the ‘star’ NW Chief Prosecutor runs cover for the ‘it’s not just Muslims’ sleight-of-hand (assisted, note, by Vaz himself who obscures the matter by solely referring to ‘race’ and not religion).
Good piece on some of the maneuvers covering for some of the evildoing.