Friday, January 13, 2012

So, I asked him, if I’m a crime victim

trying to protect my property in Massachusetts, is the state on my side?

“Absolutely not.”

To those who live in the PROM, you have my sympathies. And I'm NEVER going to live there. For that matter, I don't even want to visit the damn place anymore.

Now, that dog knows whose side he's on.
“He got a bite out of the guy’s leg,” Elizabeth said of the burglar, who had already cut the phone and cable line to their house. “He ripped his pants and tried to tug him down. But the guy got away.”
Good dog, have a bone!

Another MAIG criminal
Violent one.

This is not a surprise. At all.
He must have known why I was calling.

Asked the same question again. This time the reply I got this time was different: “Senator Schumer is in favor of censoring the internet.”

….whhhhhhat? Up until now, most of the statements from congresspeople have done that neat thing politicians do where they say words but don’t actually answer the question. They do the “censorship” dance very well – never say it out loud, but vote for the bill nonetheless. From what I can tell “anti-piracy” and “pro-censorship” are actually the same thing here, though politicians usually argue the former so as not to seem anti-first-amendment. No one has been brazen enough to drop the C-word without hesitation. But this dude apparently had no problem with it. I said again: “So you’re saying Senator Schumer is in favor of censoring the internet?”

“Yes.” He then backpedaled a bit, and mentioned that Schumer is in favor of censoring illegal activities on the internet. But still, the C-word.

Yes, the assholes and haters of the military are in charge.
Just to pick on one: Karzai. Let's see, in his country
Little girls of 7 can be married to adult males and the marriage consummatedlegally raped at 9,
Little boys are used as sex toys,
Raped women can be condemned to death for 'illegal sex', but may have the sentence commuted if they marry the rapist,
The Taliban teaches teenage boys to behead a live human being and considers it good parenting,
The routinely mutilate our troops bodies if they can, and booby-trap them,
and that miserable, corrupt little bastard calls us names? Fuck him. With a splintery shovel handle.

And Obama's official campaign vehicle

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