Friday, January 31, 2014

Tab clearing Fracking link fixed

Former TSA agent says the agency is full of crap, waste and general disgusting.

People find out just what Obamacare is doing to their insurance costs; for some reason it does not delight them.

Anti-fracking study turns out to be full of crap; surprise!

"How dare you adopt black kids!  That just PROVES what a racist you are!"

Nothing like making jokes about Congress using a wounded vet.

MSNBC makes one of their usual bigoted 'jokes', get called on it, insist "We have high standards!  We're fair and balanced!"

Start with making cops and prosecutors PERSONALLY responsible for damages if they knowingly put an innocent in prison.  If they know it'll happen before they do it, it'll probably make a world of difference.

A serious takedown of the 'Starship Troopers is fascist!  Heinlein was fascist!' bullshit.

"Why aren't more people willing to go into debt to get a degree from us?  We don't understand!"

Well, this will probably be the last you ever hear about Adam Lanza from the mainstream media.

Remember this next time someone refers to 'Superstorm Sandy':
Luckily, New York City is prepared for pretty much anything. And when we say prepared, we mean they know precisely how screwed they're going to be.

1 comment:

tkdkerry said...

FYI - Your fracking link goes to the Obamacare vid instead.