Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Daughter found a cough formula

and gave me a jar; it really does help.  Mix here.  She made one change: added some brandy(she had that, whiskey would work as well) to thin it a bit, and because booze. 

Take a spoonful and swallow it a little at a time.  May take a few minutes, but does seem to soothe the throat and ease the coughing.


skidmark said...

Mom had a recipie like that. Mixed all the other ingredients in one tall glass. Filled a second tall glass with gin (she was a Brit, what can you expect?) and then toss out the first glass and drink the second.

I've found it works better with 20-year old single-malt Scotch.

stay safe.

wv = "produced ukfall" - how true.

Gerry N. said...

I've used a mix like this for 50 years. The recipe was from a very nice !! girl I used to shac....hang out with. The stuff works better if you use local honey. I buy raw honey with bee bits and comb in it 'cos it's cheap, cheap, cheap. Local honey used as table sweetener for cereal, coffee, tea and mixing with peanut butter also helps de-allerginate you. Before I began eating raw local honey I had hay fever so bad it reduced my draft eligibility from 1-A to 4-F.

I thinned the cough mix with Jack Daniels. That was before I knew about Glenfiddich.

Gerry N,