Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The City of Tulsa: proving uncaring stupidity exists here in OK Updated

just as much as places like the PROM: Every word out of their mouth was, 'We don't care.'
Time for tar & feathers up there, folks

Under the heading of 'arrogant effing morons who should be fired immediately' we have the clowns Susan Warren and Teresa Holmes of the Clinton, NC schools, who've been taking lessons from the "Yes, our officers screwed up but they were following procedures, so screw off and shut up" school of law enforcement.
Yeah, people just might have a problem with you telling a kid to strip down, and then feeling around in his underwear and 'neglecting' to tell the parents. And, to borrow from Tam,
Sampson County Schools spokesman Steven Warren says Cox should have been informed about the search but that Holmes did nothing wrong and that a female janitor was present for the search.

"The assistant principal was within his legal authority, his legal right, to do the search," Warren said. "He may have been overzealous in his actions."
I think we can all agree that if the Assistant Principal in question had been a male, he'd have been sharing a cell with Jerry Sandusky, so yes, this action was wrong. Adults don't get to stick their fingers in the underwear of other people's children because it's creepy, period. Even if you have a Master's in Education and motives as pure as the driven snow.

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