Friday, February 18, 2011

Althouse lives and works in Madison,

and has a lot of stuff up on the protests, threats and the teachers who aren't teaching and are taking kids out of school so they can join the protests.

Right about now, I'll bet the unions and Democrats- if they look at what the majority of citizens are saying- are worried. A lot. They're seriously pissing off most of the people in the state, and the long-term results for the unions and Democrats won't be good.

Speaking of Democrats and pissing people off, how the bleep do you ask a judge who just ruled the law is unconstitutional to tell states to enact the law? Easy: you're a socialist crapweasel who's desperate to get this stuff so tied-in that it can't be gotten rid of. Or so you hope.

So, just maybe, a bunch of DEA and SFPD officers will get their ass handed to them in court; be really nice if it happens.
Biggs describes 243 Diamond as a "two-story, one-unit" building in the warrant. There's no mention of Freshman or Larizadeh's son-in-law or seven-months pregnant daughter who were detained in the downstairs unit that morning. But property records — and a quick visual scan of the property — reveal it to be a three-story, two-unit building. That mistake alone may be enough to invalidate the search warrant.
SFPD offered no comment other than reiterating they had a warrant from Judge Richard Kramer to search 243 Diamond. But Peter Keane, dean emeritus of Golden Gate University's School of Law, says there appears to be a problem. "There's been cases like this in the past where police have a warrant to search [a single residence], then they get there and it's a multi-unit building and they search the whole building. In those cases, people have sued and collected substantial settlements. I think whomever is representing the government better get out his checkbook."

Yes, I know: the police officers and DEA agents will claim they're protected from being held personally responsible, etc. May still get a bit nasty for them:
Freshman, a UC Hastings law professor and the main consultant to the television show Lie to Me, was put into handcuffs while in his bathrobe as agents searched,... .
In other words, it's a bit like the drug team in Virginia who raided the Mayor's house and shot his dogs out of flat stupidity; the individual officers involved were protected, but it at least got the agencies involved and their actions a lot of nasty publicity; screwing up on the search warrant and hassling a law professor with lots of contacts and a real willingness to go after you just might cause the agencies some real problems.

Nassau County District Attorney Kathleen Rice is a liar. And apparently has a great excess of time and money to waste, and so should have her budget cut. Along with that of every other agency involved in this bullshit.
... found the gun dealers modified assault rifles to bring them in compliance with state law. The dealers then would instruct the undercover officers posing as customers how to change them back into full-fledged assault weapons.
Unless she can prove they were telling people how to illegally modify the weapons to select-fire, then she's screwing with people for pointing out information available on the internet and in books, etc., to add cosmetic features back onto a firearm. How much taxpayer money is this clown wasting with this garbage?

A federal judge tells Empty-Hat Salazar- in polite words- "Stop dicking around and do your job properly, or else." I'd like to see E.H. look up and see a couple of Federal Marshalls coming in with handcuffs: "Sir, you've been charged with contempt of court and we are ordered to place you under arrest."(preferably in a Louisiana accent)

And finally, Sheila Jackson Lee really is either a idiot or the most twisted word-mangler around, and one of her colleagues just can't stand it being called Obamacare.

With that, I'm off to find some dinner.

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