Thursday, September 23, 2010

'Reality-Based Community' my ass

It’s not surprising that this comment was removed shortly after being posted. What is surprising is that I actually got an email about it!

I accept that the content is pretty much true. I do note on your website that you do state that some radioactive content is there, though small.
I find it hard to believe that reputable people in the area are so worried, if there is nothing to worry about. Perhaps these shipments are the precursor of worse ones?

Anyway, although I know that your comment is sensible – I’m not publishing it. Why?
Well, it’s simply because, like the nuclear lobby – I am not fair. Also the nuke lobby has funding for its campaign. We have none.
I can’t afford to be fair-minded
Best wishes

"Fair-minded would mean I have to present information I don't like, so screw your facts."

Reasoned Discoursetm; it breaks out in the damndest places.

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