Saturday, August 03, 2024

The new head of the USSS was involved in denying more protection personnel to Trump,

AND since he was the head of that section all the effups are ultimately on his head, and now he's investigating himself.

And you're insulting if you have a problem with that.

This is so effed-up that even if we could trust the bastards- I include the EffingBI- to run a fair investigation, it looks like it'd take cleaning the entire command levels out to even begin to fix the agency.


Anonymous said...

If they refuse to protect people, they should have their budget eliminated.

By the way, congress has the power to name people to be explicitly defunded in funding bills.

Avraham said...

I suggest a congressional investigation.

Rob said...

I am hoping that what happened with Trump was a huge DEI screw up rather than the State trying to take out it's political opponent....and just missed.

Tsgt Joe said...

they are going to kill trump. he would be safer if he could hire his own personal protection unit and have his county sheriff deputize them or governor DeSantis make them special state police.

Anonymous said...

Oh, aren't you precious.
You still believe congression investigations have any meaning in D.C.
Investigations into covid, Fauci, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, J6, big pharma...
Nuthin' but crickets.

Avraham said...

i agree with the above suggestion to keep the secret service as far away from trump as possible. to my mind it seem clear that the SS were complicit in the attempt.