Tuesday, July 30, 2024

"Why don't you trust the experts?"

Oh, I don't know, maybe things like this:
On 25 March 2020, our Crisis Team resolved to include in their dashboard and weekly reports the “epidemiological curve” illustrating new Covid infections according to “reporting date and onset of illness.” Somewhat nervously, they added that “You can see that the curve is slowly levelling off, but we should avoid drawing attention to this in our external communications, to encourage compliance with measures.” The German lockdowns were imposed as the first wave was already slowing down, and our public health authorities knew this.

On 29 July 2020, the RKI came to discuss a draft paper written by our virological-prophet-in-chief Christian Drosten, which provided “Recommendations for the autumn.” The article, they note, is “confidential,” especially because Drosten “decided in the meantime not to publish it.” This was because “his paper considered untargeted testing not to be useful, and this contradicts government policy.” Even a child could have seen that our mass testing regime was entirely pointless and provided useless data, and the scientists who were the public face of it knew this too. They didn’t say anything.

Oh yes, there's more.  Lots of proof the German 'experts' were just as full of crap as the ones here, and in a number of other countries.

And, same as here, they've thrown away trust built over decades.


Anonymous said...

My granddaughter is allergic to something, and has been taken to the allergist and various dermatologists. The allergist always had an excuse why he couldn't perform the test to determine what she was allergic to.

Eventually the allergist prescribed a shot -- it would definitely clear things up.
Me: "Okay, what is she allergic to?"
Doc: "I dunno."
Me: "But the shot will work?"
Doc: "Oh, yeah."
Me: "How much is it?"
Doc: "About $2,000 a shot."
Me: "Is it one and done?"
Doc: "Oh no, she'll need the shot every other week."
Me: "For how long?"
Doc: "For the rest of her life."
Me: "And ... what is the underlying problem?"
Doc: "I dunno."

Similar conversation with both the allergist and the dermatologist. Next time I'm asking how much of a kickback they get for prescribing it.

Experts? No. They're just a bunch !%!#@(%!&.

Anonymous said...

A guy I work with was doing that once a month (insurance covered it).
He was still having the usual symptoms: dry eye, congestion etc,
Didn't help him one bit. He started taking otc stuff on top of his monthlies and had a grand mal reaction. His eyes were so effed up, he couldn't see for four days.
He stopped doing the monthly stuff, no point if it doesn't work.

Anonymous said...

Those experts can not reliably define 51% of the worlds population as a woman. The question now is why listen? People can decide to use the advise of evil. Although evil does get upset when people ignore it...

Anonymous said...

because the experts lied about covid then became smart enough to not define a woman.