Monday, July 29, 2024

What? A Democrat with connections to the PRC?

You expect me to be surprised?
Click to enlarge

There's a NYeffingTimes puff piece(boy, is it) here, and the only mention(surprise!) is this:
Mr. Kelly has also not faced the harsh spotlight of a national campaign, and has potential political liabilities like a high-altitude surveillance balloon company he helped found with Chinese venture capital, Mr. Scarpinato said.

Now, wouldn't you think that would be a bit more of a big thing than they seem to think?


Mind your own business said...

They have to tiptoe around this carefully, since our current POTUS's family also have financial ties to CCP controlled companies that has paid them large amounts of money.
Democrats - the party of treason and corruption. (And for any Republicans that are behaving similarly ... looking at you, Mitch McConnell ... you deserve that lethal injection too.)

Anonymous said...

Progressive democrats are the globalists candidates. They must appear as acceptable until they are elected again. This is how our elected representation is able to become multi millionaires in short order while being paid under 200K per year. It has been happening so long that it has become excepted as normal. Our best barometer for this is Bob Mendez, his gold bars and mounds of cash.