Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Gee, maybe if the border wasn't open, this would be happening to much

U.S. Fleet Forces Command Commander Admiral: Non-citizens are attempting to INFILTRATE our military bases

The Navy is seeing this 2-3x PER WEEK

Speaking of the enemy,
A state Democratic lawmaker allegedly warned members of the University of Pennsylvania’s anti-Israel encampment of a “credible threat” for a police sweep.

According to group chat communications exclusively obtained by the Washington Examiner, Pennsylvania House Rep. Rick Krajewski “relayed” the warning with a time frame of within the “next 24 hours.” The warning allowed the group to jettison equipment before the encampment was torn down by law enforcement, according to the students.


Speaking of more of the enemy, a collection over at Insty:


And our latest edition of "Attention aspiring rappers, don't play with guns",

1 comment:

Mind your own business said...

Post Marine guards at all military installations, and give them orders for weapons-free.
THat ought to solve it quickly.