Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Well, isn't this just wonderful

Children are turning up in doctors' clinics infected with as many as three different types of viruses, in what experts believe is the result of their immune systems being weakened from two years of COVID lockdowns and mask-wearing.

Medical staff have come to expect a surge in cases of flu and severe colds during the winter.

But they are reporting that there is not the usual downturn as summer approaches - and they suspect it could be due to the strict pandemic practices.

Furthermore, some of common strains of the flu appear to have disappeared, flummoxing scientists.

Thomas Murray, an infection-control expert and associate professor of pediatrics at Yale, told The Washington Post on Monday that his team was seeing children with combinations of seven common viruses - adenovirus, rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), human metapneumovirus, influenza and parainfluenza, as well as the coronavirus.

Yet one more consequence(predicted by some) of the Wuhan hysteria.


thinkingman said...

It follows logically. Spare the sub-clinical exposure, forgo the herd acquired immunity. The power clowns that be, are so short sighted all they could see was kick-backs (IMHO) from multi-billion dollar contracts for vaccines that don't vaccinate to the extent that they rewrote the definitions of "vaccine" and "vaccinate".

Phelps said...

It isn't the lockdown, it's the clotshot. Even during the lockdown you didn't see co-infections by virii, because it's exceptionally rare -- the reaction to the first infection makes it so that the second can't even get a beachhead.

That shot is pharmaceutical AIDS.

Anonymous said...

Following 30+ years of "sanitize" everything with the clorox wipes and fumigations and wiping everything a kid could touch to "clean it", we have an entire generation with crummy immune systems that is giving birth to a generation with compromised immune systems that are being shot full of mRNA garbage. They are killing Western civilization on purpose, and most are applauding it. -Brewer96

Firehand said...

Every time I see kids playing in the yard or park, or with a dog or cat, I cheer.