Sunday, April 12, 2015

Attention, bitch in the red Chevy

Yes, YOU.  Do you by any chance remember what that 'turn signal wand' is for?  Or maybe that it's a good idea to signal before changing lanes?

Howzabout do you understand that jumping from an on ramp on which you're traveling maybe 55 in front of other vehicles doing 65 is a BAD EFFING IDEA?

And repeating said action after you're fully on the highway is also a BAD EFFING IDEA?

I need a brush guard.  With spikes.


Anonymous said...

I've often said it's a damned good thing that MilSurp stores don't sell excess Stinger missiles and rocket pods. I'd have 'em mounted on my vehicle's rooftop in a heartbeat.

Meryl said...

GAU 30 works also.

But was she blond?

Firehand said...


And unobservant. Or stupid, pick one

Meryl said...

All of the above.

markm said...

Brunette. And unobservant. Or stupid, pick one

Yes, that's the worst kind of blonde.