Tuesday, April 24, 2012

There's a measure in the OK House that basically says

'A fetus is a person'. Lots of argument about it.
Well, someone invited me to a 'Unite against the War on Women' rally, and I had the bad manners to say "If this is part of the current 'Repubs/conservatives/libertarians HATE WOMEN!' crap, then no." Which was bad enough; then I compounded the offense by saying "I don't think there is a 'war on women', and added
"Tell you what: when I start seeing the same people who raise hell about evil Stupid Party/conservatives/libertarians 'attacking women' start yelling just as loud about clowns like Mahar, and the attacks on Palin & family, I'll believe they really think there's a war on women; problem is, with a few exceptions, they defend and make excuses for that crap."
Now I am informed I'm in denial, I want to play Deity with womens' bodies, the usual. Mind you, I said not one damned word about my view on abortion or the current bill in question; I just argued against the 'war on women' meme.

As Kevin has pointed out, you can't actually argue with a lot of these people.

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