Sunday, September 15, 2024

Well, someone tried to whack Trump again

This time, at least according to current information, the USSS actually performed fairly well.  I'm not linking to stories because I believe in the '48 to 72 hours' rule.  Especially with our Professional Journalists.

I will note that when Biden*/Harris put out the obligatory "We're glad he's safe" message, there were a number of "Really?  You've spent years calling him Hitler and anyone who either supports him or just doesn't support you a nazi, and you're glad he's alive?" responses.

On other Trump and "Professional Journalist" news,
I will, however, note this found at Insty:
BREAKING: ABC News Whistleblower Affidavit alleging that Kamala Harris was given an unfair advantage in her debate with Donald Trump has been released
We'll see what comes next.

Also, remember Zuckerbitch apologizing for censoring people and news?  I took a look over there, and not one damn thing other than oblique mentions could I find of the murder attempt.  So Z-bitch obviously wasn't that bothered about doing it, since he still is.

*Is Biden actually doing ANYTHING anymore?


Dan said...

This appears to be a lone wack job attempt. Not surprising. I expect at least one more attempt like the July effort....where the FBI and Secret Service will be at the very least complicit if not actually an active part of the the July shooting.

Rick said...

I'm proud to announce today's winner of the Brooklyn Bridge. Come on down, Dan and claim your prize!

Lone wolf, my eye.

Anonymous said...

And now apparently a 3rd attempt!