Monday, September 16, 2024

A good whack at the EUnuchs, who seem to have the same philosophy: "Cause us bad publicity

and you're gone."
According to Deadline, Breton has been "at odds with von der Leyen [since] August when he sent a letter to Musk, urging him to ensure that X adhered to EU regulations and moderated content."
In response, Musk told Breton to back-off with an expletive-laden meme on X, taken from the satirical action thriller Tropic Thunder.

The European Commission would not comment on the insult, but a spokesperson stated that “the timing and wording” of Breton’s letter to Musk had not been coordinated with von der Leyen or other commissioners, in a response that was seen as a rebuke to the commissioner.
Translation: Breton embarrassed Brussels and had to be sidelined.
And they can one and all go to hell.

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