Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Project Veritas strikes again

BREAKING: Doctors tells @Project_Veritas undercover that MILLIONS of excess deaths resulted from the FDA’s pandemic-era "horse medicine" tweets against ivermectin.

Now we have the lawyer who defended the FDA in court ADMITTING on undercover video that the FDA abused its authority!

Basically, there is no federal agency that can be trusted.


Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck up you paranoid weasel. You're exactly the kind of idiot that caused issues during the pandemic. Hindsight is great. We didn't know then what we know now. So again - shut the fuck up, nobbit.

Anonymous said...

Frankly, there’s no fed agency that is actively doing ANYTHING in my favor.
The only thing they can be counted on to do is take your money, spy on you, lie about it and see if there is a convenient way to ruin your life.
I don’t recognize this country anymore.

Firehand said...

Aww, the one Anony has shown up again to insult me.

See how many fucks I give.

Matthew W said...

Dear Anon,
Fuck off
We did know then, you jackwagons wouldn't listen.
Did I mention "Fuck off"?
My apologies to the host if this is offensive.

Steve said...

True, hindsight is 2020. But in this case I among many others warned about this back when our eyes were opened. My vision has been fairly clear since I stopped watching the news in 2002. I should have listened to many others many years before when they tried to enlighten me. I was an idiot then. But never again will I trust any fed bullshit. Jesus Christ is the truth the way and the life.

rickn8or said...

I fear we're going to see a lot more of Anonymous 10:44 as the election approaches.

JMcMurray said...

I hope Anon above gets his new Covid shots like a good boy or girl and gets his lollipop. Don't forget your Mpox shot on the way out.

Me said...

Yes we knew.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Anon: Sunlight is the best disinfectant and blood is on the hands of people like you.

Anonymous said...

Your angry attack is emblematic of those who blindly followed the government and medias' instructions a d only now have realized you were duped. Maybe you should be more discerning about which propaganda you ingest. There was plentiful evidence of ivermectins safety and efficacy when used against SARS. Instead many people decided they would not only March with the Facist but also become enforcers for them.

Matthew Goggins said...

Thank you for posting this. The FDA tweets about Ivermectin were outrageous. They caused incalculable harm to all of us who caught the Fauci flu and could not get access to Ivermectin or other treatments. Holding people and agencies like the FDA accountable for the things they got wrong is the best way to get it right next time.

Anonymous said...

"We didn't know then what we know now."
-Exactly, which is why we should have been trying anything and everything under the sun, and including the sun! Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine use was shut down by Fauci, Big Pharma, and Big Tech. Unfortunately, Trump didn't speak up enough, but I'll blame that more on the press(Big Tech).

Anonymous said...

Except we did know. As a person who worked in medicine at the time, we absolutely did know. We only stopped “knowing” when the drugs became politicized. Do some f*cking research. And until you do, stop commenting.

Anonymous said...

That might be relevant in the beginning, but we all know (including you) this went way past that.

Shaihulud said...

Yes, hindsight is 20/20. For those wise enough to employ it, so is foresight!

Anonymous said...

It’s not just the info warfare. The FDA intimidated all wholesale drug suppliers into cancelling/avoiding distribution of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to physicians and pharmacists. It became unavailable for prescription or distribution. Happened to me and my local pharmacies.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:51
You stopped knowing when it became profitable to use ventilators and high mortality drugs. You stopped knowing when your job was at stake.

Anonymous said...

Poor Biden voter believed the narrative , took the cure and realizes his life will be much shorter because of it. He should be upset ... We paranoid weasels are not on the right, we are right. Your govt is targeting you for its benefit and pleasure.

Anonymous said...

Is the 1st Anonymous comment satire or sarcasm? Well played!

Anonymous said...

For those with short memories: ivermectin was identified VERY early as a potential therapeutic modality (see early posts by Derek Lowe), and a very extensive review of trials was published and maintained during the pandemic. We did indeed know, early on, that IVM was worth a try - and CDC/NIH et al worked hard to discourage even discussing it. "Horse dewormer". We - the scientific establishment- did know, and was culpable in suppressing that knowledge. Fauci et all should be held accountable personally, along with many politicians.

jeff d said...

Maybe time to remove the ability to post anonymously. Cannot keep track of all the various posters named anonymous.

Firehand said...

Yeah, will have to think about that

Anonymous said...

Plato said "the measure of a man is what he does with power."

And so, so many of our govt officials failed the test of power. They could have listened to the better angels of their nature... they could have trodden cautiously... they could have tolerated dissent and debate.

They didn't. And now they all need to go. Thanks for your service, but you failed at the moment of truth. Time for you to go do something else.

Gospace said...

What we knew then:
1. There had never before, despite many attempts, been a successful vaccine for any coronavirus, in animals or humans, and many of the animal attempts had backfired.
2. There had never before been a successful use of mRNA for ANY therapy at all whatsoever, and some trials had backfired.
3. The so called vaccine was a combination of both 1 and 2.... coronavirus vaccine and mRNA therapy. Believing it was going to work was foolish.

0007 said...

The best part was known that Ivermectin had been used as an anti-parasite medication in Africa since its invention AND the rate of covid infection in Africa was very low. Not to mention that I was able to find liquid Ivermectin in one of the local farm supply stores. It is widely used in animal husbandry as are many other drugs used to treat both animals and humans.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:31 I’m very well aware of that. Notice I said WORKED.