Monday, August 26, 2024

My, my, this kind of news I can use

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit has decided that ATF's Final Rule determining that most pistols with stabilizing braces are short-barreled rifles is arbitrary and capricious.  The case is Firearms Regulatory Accountability Coalition, Inc. v. Garland ("FRAC"), decided on August 9 and authored by Judge Steven Grasz.
ATF provides two of what it calls "Slideshows" of photographs of numerous configurations of braced pistols and found that all would likely be classified as short-barreled rifles, without providing any explanation of why or how its criteria lead to this result. ATF implies that plaintiffs have the burden to prove that the braced pistols are not short-barreled rifles, an impossible task because ATF gives no guidance.  As the court quips, "The ATF's burden-inverting argument makes as much sense as shouldering a rifle by the barrel…."
More goodness at the link.


Matthew W said...

Excellent !!!!!!!!
F' the @ATF.............

Justin_O_Guy said...

Okay,, short barreled rifle,, so what? I never understood How it was possible to declare owning gold illegal,, but They did,some years ago.GOLD! A metal,, Illegal for an American citizen to Own.. So, understand clearly, THEY are not getting any hernias making Sure OUR rights are protected.
See: Border invasion and handing the invaders OUR cash,opening the voting booth to them, ignoring veterans, prioritizing invaders,,
Illustrations of their disdain for the American citizen.
Just because someone doesn't like The Look of a weapon,, that doesn't make it illegal. Short barreled rifle, SawedAwf Shotgun,,and recently I see Someone finally tossed the ruling against machine guns..
If something ISN'T in common use Because THEY outlawed it,, well,, screw that. I remember the2A people saying
A good guy with a gun will stop the BadGuy,,
And the guncontrol freaks sayin
Show me the statistics
KNOWING they did not exist
Because the Good Guys Couldn't Carry..
Now look at how things have changed.

The ATF needs to be Completely Restructured.
It needs a website to order