Friday, August 30, 2024

Illegal alien, no drivers license, kills one man

and nearly kills others?  And he gets one friggin' year?

Is the DA being paid by Soros or somebody, or did he think this would get the Correct People to keep him in office?

In another situation, the Gov. of Colorado says the problems he and other idiots are helping along with their Sanctuary City/State crap aren't real.
Because acknowledging the problem would be bad for their public relations and their desire to let in lots of illegals to vote D.


Peaowed said...

Colorado is just "California of the Rockies."

Anonymous said...

A cop in AZ was coming home from work. He said, “This illegal alien shit has gotten out of control!”
He was stopped at a red light and an illegal without insurance rear ended him and pushed him into another illegal without insurance.
That happened 25 years ago.

Dan said...

Politicians and prosecutors act this way because we allow them to. Want them to stop acting this way? Make doing so PERSONALLY painful. Nothing else matters to them, nothing else will make them change their evil ways.