Thursday, August 29, 2024

18 minutes for a first interview?

And CNN may not release the whole transcript?  Crap, it must be flat awful, so awful that CNN wants to protect them*.  And reading the bits this post has, I wouldn't doubt it.

They may decide to release the whole thing, we'll see.

*'Them' because, remember, she had to bring her Veep wannabe with her.  Which is... which is better, idiotic or pitiful?


Anonymous said...

Idiotic, pitiful, or whatever, they don't vote based on issues anymore.
They vote on personalities like this is one of those reality game shows.
If they can't win honestly, they'll cheat, and they won't care what butt-fucking monkeys they elect just as long as their side wins.

MN Steel said...

LOL Everyone thought Samuel Clemens was joking about voting. And everything else.

Rob said...

If it's not the whole interview it's a advertisement.

Anonymous said...

They only videoed 4 hours. What else can you expect? They worked hard to produce the 18 minutes. 3 hours plus ended up in the trash bin to make sure she didnt look like a lunatic or a global marxists.

clayusmcret said...

She gave a chaperoned interview, on one of the most democrat-supportive networks, with a pro-Harris host, on a Thursday night before (1) the long labor day weekend and (2) on a busy college football night. The reviews from the mainstream and DNC-centric (but I repeat myself) networks will carry the ball for her for the little bit of time it's remembered.