Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Kim has an opinion on that mass stabbing in Germany,

largely because of the "We can't figure out the motive" and their idiot idea of a 'fix' for this:
“We must do everything to ensure that such things never happen in our country, if possible,” Scholz said of the attack. He predicted a toughening knife laws in particular “and this should and will happen very quickly.”
Green Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck also called for a tightening of knife laws, saying there must be “more weapon ban zones and stricter weapon laws.”

“No one has to carry stabbing or cutting weapons in public spaces in Germany,” said the Green politician. “We no longer live in the Middle Ages.”

And, just like the useless bullshit in Britain, this will mean "I don't care if you use it in your work", or "I don't care if the blade is only 3 centimeters long and you use it for opening packages, you are carrying a knife and you're under arrest!"  And we've seen how well that's worked.

I'll give you part of his response to that 'We no longer live in' idiocy:
You stupid shit. You may not be living in the Middle Ages, but these fucking Islamic assholes certainly are.

Thanks to previous German immigration policies (Mutti Merkel, danke ), you’ve imported the Middle Ages into the 21st century.

And they don't have to balls or brains to speak of the actual problem, so they'll play "Let's get rid of these objects and the problem will go away!"  Nope, because the problem isn't knives, the problem is you don't have the guts to admit that letting a bunch of savages who want all Jews dead and everyone else either converted or enslaved/dead was a bad idea.  Assuming you have the working brain cells to actually recognize that that  "Let's be welcoming and let EVERYONE in!" insanity IS the problem.


Avraham said...

i could suggest to read the Koran part 2 to understand the motive

Anonymous said...

The cult of mo is incompatible with first world societies. Anyone with a rudimentary history knowledge understands that this has never ended well for the invading savages. And yet they try try again. It most likely can be attributed to their inbred human genetic problems.

Firehand said...

I have read that marrying first cousins is still a big thing in many islamic societies, which over long term could be a real problem.

I think the big factor is the True Believers think they're serving their god by doing this, because he wants them to kill unbelievers- or enslave them- and take over the world. And if they die trying, well, paradise is waiting.