Thursday, August 29, 2024

I rarely drink beer, but on occasion one is good,

 like with some meals.  Years back a girlfriend in Texas wanted to go to a pub and listen to the band playing that night, and as we sat I picked out a meal of a platter with soda bread*, sliced sausage, and cheese, and she suggested a Honey Brown to wash it down.

Oh, she was right.  That's been a favorite combination for years.

And now, it appears the distributors for this state aren't bringing it in anymore.  Yes, there's Harp, and Guinness(not my favorite, but not bad), but it's just not the same.  Dammit.

*I will state, without equivocation, that I make better soda bread.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss Watney's Cream Ale. Incredible mouthful of creamy smoothness and a head you could float a quarter on. Gone. No one even remembers it.