Thursday, August 29, 2024

More from (formerly Great)Britain, this on their health services

Which, if you behave yourself as they choose, you might eventually get some treatment from.  
Coming soon to a hospital near you if the socialists have their way of things.
In the name of ‘anti-racism’, the UK’s Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has quietly abandoned its commitment to provide universal healthcare and is encouraging its members to violate a core principle of medical ethics.

On 6 August, the RCN issued new guidelines granting medical professionals permission to refuse to treat patients whom they perceive to be racist. The new guidelines are a response to the violent riots that engulfed parts of England and Northern Ireland earlier this month. These erupted after the Southport knife attack in late July, in which three young girls were killed at a dance workshop. The guidelines specifically legitimise denying a patient care if that patient exhibits ‘discriminatory behaviour, including racism’.

Hm.  'perceive' and 'discriminatory', there's a couple of holes you could sail a battleship through to find a reason to deny someone treatment.

Assuming some of these idiots haven't already been withholding treatment from 'bad' people and done it, people are going to die because of this.  And it being(fG)Britain, their family won't be able to do a damn thing about it, because it fits the aims of the Two-Tier Prime Minister quite well.

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