Wednesday, March 09, 2022

I'm really tired of federal agencies saying "Yes, we broke the law, but

we shouldn't pay any penalty for it."

Screw that.  This is like the two federal prosecutors found to have lied and acted in illegal/unethical ways in that senator's trial in Alaska, and we were told the judge said Very Bad Things to them and chewed them out.  But the actual penalty?  They didn't pay one; they were still working at Do'J', no move to disbar them, no fines, nothing.  


Dan said...

It's an exclusive club and we ain't in it.

Rick said...

But there is a ritual to joining the .308 club.

Steve said...

I think the CEO or head of the department, that has committed crimes, should commit hari-kari. That would be a deterrent

SSG Mac said...

The Rule of Law is dead in this country.
It's a great big club, and you ain't in it.