Wednesday, January 02, 2019

And we're back to ignorant, idiot politicians passing laws on subjects they're ignorant of,

and they're too damned stupid to find out if the law can even be carried out before they vote on it...
As part of a sweeping package of gun control measures that became law this year, legislators moved to expand background checks to private gun purchases, in addition to sales at gun shops, or through other licensed dealers.
But in a memo sent to legislators last week, the department found that Vermont’s law enforcement agencies, unlike federally licensed firearm dealers, are not authorized to request the FBI to run checks through its National Instant Background Check System (NICS).
Bloody stupid, ignorant bastards.


B P said...

Or one of them knew, and was hoping to ban private sales in a backdoor fashion?

Anonymous said...

The mainstream media is finally starting to run the article about the Trump supporter college student who got kicked out of medical school at the University of Virginia to publicly debating with a far-left SJW communist professor. Here are two new ones:

Someone also took the time to type up a transcript of the events which happened:

Reddit is freaking out about the story too, of course. 1000s of comments on these threads:

This story, known as MedGate, has the potential to create a mass public outcry against our far left college system, and thus cause real damage to the student debt loan bubble.

GregMan said...

That would be my guess. "That isn't possible? Well, I guess you're not buying that gun after all."

ruralcounsel said...

They've ruined Vermont. I'll never move back there.