Tuesday, January 07, 2025

It appears another court just said "No, you can't take their guns

just because they've been charged, NOT convicted."

Yes, I'm about to go off on those islands some of my ancestors got the hell out of

LONDON — The grooming and serial rape of thousands of English girls by men of mostly Pakistani Muslim background over several decades is the biggest peacetime crime in the history of modern Europe. It went on for many years. It is still going on. And there has been no justice for the vast majority of the victims.
Social workers were intimidated into silence. Local police ignored, excused, and even abetted pedophile rapists across dozens of cities. Senior police and Home Office officials deliberately avoided action in the name of maintaining what they called “community relations.” Local councilors and Members of Parliament rejected pleas for help from the parents of raped children. Charities, NGOs, and Labour MPs accused those who discussed the scandal of racism and Islamophobia. The media mostly ignored or downplayed the biggest story of their lifetimes. Zealous in their incuriosity, much of Britain’s media elite remained barnacled to the bubble of Westminster politics and its self-serving priorities.

There's oh, so much blame to go around: politicians in both parties(some because it served them, some too chickenshit to act), 'public servants' from child 'protective' services to cops*; and let us  not forget journalists.  Oh no, the garbage who've insisted they were the only ones you should be news from, and were busy fellating politicians the whole while(and serving their own socialist dreams), who helped cover it up and wouldn't dare say a word...

And let us not forget all the other crap done by these bastards in the name of 'community service', for instance
The Pakistanis proceeded to take Kriss, who they called a "white bastard", to a remote location and torture him for hours -- gouging his eyes out, castrating him, burning him with cigarettes, stabbing him repeatedly, dousing him in gasoline and setting him alight before he crawled to his death.

One of the killers may be back on the streets of Scotland this year.

Because hey, he's just some lousy little Scot, and what's his pain and life to get in the way of community service, right?

Every bit of it with politicians and cops and public servants and journalists helping keep it quiet, and insulting and belittling anyone who spoke up, and jailing people who wouldn't shut up.  Both political parties, let us not forget; including their current Prime Minister, who was head of the Crown Prosecution Service through some of this, and is currently insisting that raising hell about raped girls makes you a 'far rightist'.  Because, apparently, being pissed about this is only a problem of the far right, which isn't it nice to say openly that the left doesn't care about girls raped by inconvenient people?

Let us note, also, how many of the 'Believe All Women!' and '#MeToo" people who had nothing to say when it was the 'wrong' kind of female victims.  I have no terms sufficient to express disgust for them.

And, also. that the left in particular seems to want to destroy the lives of those nasty commoners, in every way possible?  You know, "It's your duty to be living in a small apartment with no car or anything else what will interfere with out Green Dreams!" ?

If you want some more links aside from the ones I put up before, here's a post at WheelGunner.

And now I'm going to move on to this side of the Atlantic:
Couple of day ago I mentioned more than 300K illegal alien kids having disappeared, and there seems to have been damn little done about them.  Not to mention all the politicians on both sides who've managed to avoid taking any responsibility for even talking about it; and oh, the Professional Journalists who've done everything they can, just like their slimy brethren in Britain(and a bunch of other countries) to take the heat off the politicians?  And take heat off the illegal alien criminals?
You know, like the illegal aliens committing crimes such as rape, and murder, and theft?  The gangs taking over apartment buildings("It was only a few, why are you so upset?" to quote that one idiot)?

Second City Cop has talked about the problems of, on top of politicians trying to take pressure off the local bad guys, how much money their Mayor(hereafter knows as Conehead) is willing to spend to keep the illegals in town, and getting money from both local people who don't have anything left to be taxed out of(so he and his masters of the Teacher's Union want the feds to hand them billions)

And, nationwide, how many politicians are willing to vote against illegal aliens who commit sex crimes being deported?

The leftists are just hand in hand(shut up, I'll leave some other descriptions out) with each other, country to country.  And they want to do the same things to us.

*Remember, their cops would jail someone for holding a Union Jack flag, or for saying/writing something 'That might cause someone discomfort', all at the same while helping terrorists, terrorist supporters, and from the sound of it some of the rapists from being called to account.  
Bah.  You garbage need to be fired.
Scratch that: some of you need to be charged as accessories.  At the least.

Ever heard of Wolff Gun Springs?

They're over here.  And at one time I decided to try their stuff on a part.

I'd gotten some various recoil springs from them over time, but once, I was reminded, I'd decided to polish up the action on an old S&W revolver and remembered a set of spring they make.  In this case, mainsprings that drive the hammer, and the springs that return the trigger mechanism to rest position.

Allow me to cover those functions for those who haven't had to mess with them:
The hammer spring is exactly that.  When you pull the trigger back, or pull the hammer back to cock it, that spring is flexed to drive the hammer down when the trigger is pulled.
The trigger return spring is a coil spring that fits inside a passage in the trigger mechanism.  It keeps the trigger in place until you pull it or cock the hammer; when you release the trigger that spring drives it back into rest position.

If you get too light a spring(or grind the original down too much, and no, I can state I've never done this) a hammer spring, it will not reliably drive the hammer hard/fast enough to fire the primer; if it's too heavy it makes it harder to fire.  If the trigger return spring is too light, it will not reliably move things as it should, which means, at best, the trigger will not reliably do its job; if it's heavier than needed, it makes the trigger pull heavier than needs to be.  Both of these are often made heavier than need to be, because a pistol needed for self-defense HAS TO WORK EVERY TIME.  

Which brings us to the monkey holding it.

Say you have a pistol that's for target, or small game.  You want it to have a smooth, light action, and if you do mess up and make it a bit too light, it's not a disaster(unless it makes you blow a 'win the match' shot).  So you have all kinds of 'grind and polish this, shorten that, and polish all these places) ideas, some of which can work, though the polishing can be done to excess and leave things a bit loose.  

Wolff came up with a mainspring design, and a set of different trigger return spring weights.  Idea is you can try their standard weight mainspring and one of their lighter return springs, and make sure if it works reliably* before you go off on your way, and I'd heard various good things about their parts.  So, instead of starting with a touch of polishing in a few places, I decided to try the set.  

The mainspring has a 'V' cross-section, the trigger return springs come in a set of reduced power, 13, 14, and 15 pound springs.  The mainspring can be had in full factory power or a reduced, I chose factory for it; the trigger return I started with 13 pound.

Warning: if you don't know how to change these, or start farting around inside the action, get help.  You have been told.

The inside was nice and clean, so other than change these two parts all I did was put a few drops of oil in places, and reassemble, then try the action.

Holy crap.

I would not have believed that those two springs would not just lighten, but smooth the action that much.  Did some dry firing, and soon as time allowed put some ammo through it.

Worth every penny.  

*They make sure this is known to you, it's up to you to pay attention

Monday, January 06, 2025

Someone just had an interesting idea in yelling at the 'elites' running (formerly Great)Britain:

What are the UK and international rape victim groups doing to stop these horrendous acts?

Why wouldn’t @realDonaldTrump consider appropriate sanctions against the UK until these concerns are addressed?

Hey, the Brit Labour Party sent a team here to interfere in our friggin' election, they threatened to arrest people HERE for daring to criticize their trashing what's left of free speech in Britain.  So let's see if President Trump can tell them "Hey, you bastards have been letting children be raped and enslaved and assisted it happening because "They might cause trouble for us!", so let's cause some trouble for you for being this kind of slimy bastards who use kids lives this way."  That would seem, at the least, like 'Public Officials Using Children To Pay The Enemy Off' as a charge.

The idea of the conniptions it would cause, for both the Brit socialists and the ones here(who'd crap themselves in outrage) is a glorious thought.  Especially when you consider, as Ackerman noted in the full post, that this crap is still going on.  Which is one reason Two Tier & Co. are scared to death of what's liable to happen to them when people find out more of just what they've done, and when.

Let's take a look at some of this

But for the man who loves inquiries, a government-led report into the industrial-scale rape of British girls by migrant grooming gangs is one inquiry too far. Indeed, when Prime Minister Starmer lists national scandals where “truth and justice” was denied by public authorities, grooming gangs do not even merit a mention.

As the conversation about our national grooming gang tragedy reaches a fever pitch, it fell to Safeguarding Minister Jess Phillips to reject Oldham Council’s call for a government-led inquiry into child sexual exploitation. An outspoken feminist, it appears that Phillips’ advocacy for women doesn’t extend as far as the white working class girls who were raped, tortured, and trafficked by Oldham’s Pakistani grooming gang.

And, let's not forget, in all the other cities where it appears this garbage is still going on.

Hey, you know what else comes to mind?  It's what, at least 300,000 illegal immigrant kids that OUR .gov can't account for?  And most of the 'elites' here don't want to deal with questions about it?  Gee, I wonder why...

Which would also account for some of the "Get that man to shut up!" from the Brit 'elites' against Musk, and why it's probably pissing off- and maybe terrifying- some of our elites here.
None of them give a damn about what happens to lower-class females.
None of them give a damn about what happens to parents who are trying to save their kids.
Consider Starmer & Co. were desperate to dump violent criminals so they could have space to jail people who dared to speak about illegal aliens and crime.
Consider our clowns who really don't want anyone digging into just what and by who is being done to those illegal alien kids.
Consider our clowns who want anyone who talks about unapproved subjects to be shut down.

I'm going to throw in cops playing "We have orders, that's what counts!"  There are a lot of them, if Robert Peel came back to life he'd take one look at what his idea of British cops have become, and start looking like he was having a stroke as he picked up a baton and got ready to deal with what they've become.  Then fire them.

Ok, I'm getting a little pissed off and stringing this out too far.  I'm going to go consider a good way to tell my Congresscritters "What the hell ARE you doing about all those missing children?  And about those foreign students taking over campuses? And a few other things I need t bring up?"

Thursday, January 02, 2025

While we're working on our current terrorist attacks here, I want to look at what (formerly Great)Britain

has done to cave into the enemy.  To the point that most have surrendered.  To borrow from Ms. Hoyt, "They used to be civilized there, and knew how to deal with politicians and bureaucrats who surrendered like this."


Read this carefully, which is where the cops turned into either janissaries or effing cowards

I really don't need to do this to my blood pressure, but you know what's worse?  "Ah, hell with it, those bastards don't seem to care."
Because a lot of people over there do, while stuck under the thumb of a bunch of ass-kissing politicians and "Well, we've got our orders, and if we actually DO anything we'll be called names!" cops. 
So my closing statement on this:

Hey, Two-Tier Starmer, and whatever the hell the names of your local police chiefs, you don't like my telling you what corrupt, chickenshit, surrender monkeys you are?   Screw you.  YOU PUT PARENTS IN JAIL FOR FINDING WHERE THERE DAUGHTERS WERE BEING RAPED AND ABUSED AND COMING TO YOU FOR HELP.  You LET THE BASTARDS keep doing this until it blew up in your faces and you couldn't count on the media to help you keep covering it up.  And you're still doing it, from what we can see.

Every one of you cowardly little shits should be fired.  As a start, because it seems like 'assistant to rape' and 'conspiring to enslave' should be criminal charges you should be charged with.  Which would have to be done, as you have no shame, or courage to cause you to confess and quit.  Fuck you, one and all. 

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Ah, they're on top of it now!

Terrorist made an attack in Louisiana.
EffingBI immediately announced "Not a terrorist attack."  
Local guys announced "The hell you say."
Feds, as someone said 'probably realizing just how stupid they're about to look', decide to announce "It was a terrorist attack."
Probably helped in the decision by the Isis flag in the truck.
Now turns out at least one IED was found, some other people seen planting some, and there's some question about things, whether attached or not, happened in other places.

And, as a final 'WTF?', Biden's statement seems to read like "Don't you dare say anything about any protected species!" as his final warning.

Watch your six, folks, it could get real nasty.