Tuesday, July 02, 2024

No, I did not know that about vultures

What is truly amazing about vultures, however, is the way they are designed to ensure they can perform this cleansing process without it resulting in great harm to them. Did you know, for example, that the acid in the vulture’s gizzard is the strongest of any animal in the world?

The vulture’s gizzard acid is even more corrosive than the acid in the battery of your car or truck. Even more amazing is the fact the vulture’s gizzard acid destroys such deadly pathogens as Anthrax, Tuberculosis, Botulism and Cholera.

I knew about the cleanup duties, but not about this


SgtPete said...

Your stomach has the same acid too. Hydrochloric acid with PH of 1.5 is present in your gut for protein degradation into amino acids.

markm said...

Do vultures get ulcers? We secrete the same stomach acid, but it's greatly diluted so it doesn't eat through our stomach lining. Vultures must have a more resistant stomach lining.