Monday, July 01, 2024

While we're hearing "UNPRECEDENTED!" and other such crap about the weather being hot(in late June

and the start of July), 
Where I used to work it was a 24/7 operation.  When I'd been working evenings this time of year, when it got hotter than average, you'd get off around midnight; it'd be in the upper 80's, sometimes low 90's when really bad, and the humidity so high you half expected to see small frogs kicking past you.  Lord, that's miserable.  And usually very little wind at those times, , which made it worse.

So when the Usual Suspects start bitching about the evils of air conditioning and how we were better off without it and would be now, I want to pick  up something long and heavy and beat them with it.  


B.C. said...

There's a good reason that Florida was a backwater, sparsely-populated hinterland until the invention of the air conditioner... It's ball-sweating hot and humid. As kids, we just figured it supposed to be like that and spent every walking hour outdoors, either playing sports or hunting/fishing. As a soon-to-be-geezer, who has worked outdoors most of his adult life, I appreciate the luxury of a well-tuned AC system. 😎

Tino said...

I remember being a little kid in Texas in the 1950's and it being so hot and/or dry that the ground actually had cracks in it. So everybody just calm down. Weather is cyclical.

Paul V said...

From the Fifties when I was a kid to the Oughts, we regularly had 100 to 107 degree days during the summer. In the last 10-15 years we have had maybe two a year. Anyone who makes their living working outside has nothing but contempt for the globull warming BS.