Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Yeah, it's Monday Update on shaving section

Hey, who cares about that icky hand-to-hand stuff, right? It's all old-fashioned, right? Won't hurt to trash it, right?
People who don't care about readiness to fight and win, but care very much about getting their ticket punched for being 'fiscally responsible' and PC, who also don't care about who they'll get killed by trashing serious training.

Speaking of PC idiots,
Some parents want to know why Emmaus High School’s championship rifle team was not included in the school’s new yearbook. They hoped to find out what happened at Monday night’s school board meeting. But no explanation was offered by school board members, the superintendent or other administrators at the meeting.
You damn well know 'why'; you also know now that the chickenshit administrators are hoping you'll go away and shut up. So this is the time to ASK them and DEMAND a damned answer; calls if need be, visits if possible, and if they try to talk around it, DON'T LET THEM.

Yeah, that "Let us be Green no matter the consequences!" actually HAS consequences; sucks, don't it?
Mr Tajani warned that Europe's quixotic dash for renewables was pushing electricity costs to untenable levels, leaving Europe struggling to compete as America's shale revolution cuts US natural gas prices by 80pc.

"I am in favour of a green agenda, but we can't be religious about this. We need a new energy policy. We have to stop pretending, because we can't sacrifice Europe's industry for climate goals that are not realistic, and are not being enforced worldwide," he told The Daily Telegraph during the Ambrosetti forum of global policy-makers at Lake Como. Of course, the same watermelons want to do the same things here, too.

Apparently there's a problem with the newer fancier- more expensive- razors: they're not selling well.
Have you seen the prices on the damn things? Around four bucks each. And if you're on a tight budget that doesn't look like such a good deal, even for a super-duper shave.

About four years back son came across a old safety razor in good shape at an antique store and bought it. Cleaned it up and looked around: blades, for basic from Wally World, Wilkinson are about two bucks for a pack of ten. He tried this soap and liked it better than canned, and finally settled on the Mitchell's and never went back.  I think he keeps a couple of disposables around just in case, otherwise hasn't touched one since he started.

Yeah, something like the Mitchell's soap looks expensive; consider that that container will last for months, and it's not so much.  Yeah, you need a brush; not exactly a big deal.
Update: I'll throw in, the Razor Emporium link covers a lot of stuff: blades, soap, brushes, and both straight and safety razors.  And restoration services for old ones.


Keith said...

Two weeks to make hand to hand combat instructor?

Civilian dojos with integrity take 4 to six years of training a couple of evenings or more a week to reach first dan (teacher) grade. some pride themselves on their students training for a minimum of 12 years before awarding a black belt.

A friend who's been doing martial arts for over 40 years, spent 15 years with up to 200 days a year of all day training with one of its acknowledged masters, to get to the level that he was happy with in a new art.

MMA, BJJ UFC etc are staged for the spectacle, little simple moves that the audience would never see, but which would end the fight immediately and have the unfortunate contestant out of fighting for six to twelve months (or more), are not allowed. The same goes for any other sort of competitions - it's cleaned up to provide a spectacle.

there's a saying that those who don't train dirty often can't fight dirty when they need to.

It sounds like American youngsters are getting sent into dangerous situations with a level of training which would be embarrassing even for a Mac Dojo.

Windy Wilson said...

Some years ago I was told that the hand-to-hand instruction (in the US Army, at least) wasn't intended to teach anyone to be a feared black-belted unarmed ninja assassin, but was to instill in the trainee the idea that even without the rifle or pistol or bayonet he was still in the fight, with rifle butt, stick, ammo can, shovel, camp chair or whatever. I can sort of agree with that assessment, as it became apparent to me that from the training I had I knew enough karate to really get myself hurt.
I agree that eliminating the training is a mistake of the first order.

Knotthead said...

Regarding razors, I recently made the switch to these guys from Gillette's Mach 3 Turbo. Worth a look:
This is not Spam.

Anonymous said...

Years back I shaved with a straight razor and loved it. Too shaky now, but I agree those damn cartridge shaves suck. I'm going to look into some of the items you mentioned to save some $$$.

George Groot said...

I've been using a DE razor since 2007. Badger brush, Proraso from a tube (although I'm trying "Denim" brand shave cream from a tube, also made in Italy), and a Gillette adjustable slim.

Never going back to cartridge or blue goo from a can.