Thursday, September 12, 2013

Yeah, there's a reason they're called 'bird cuisinarts'

Wind energy facilities have killed at least 67 golden and bald eagles in the last five years, but the figure could be much higher, according to a new scientific study by government biologists.
Still, the scientists said their figure is likely to be "substantially" underestimated, since companies report eagle deaths voluntarily and only a fraction of those included in their total were discovered during searches for dead birds by wind-energy companies. The study also excluded the deadliest place in the country for eagles, a cluster of wind farms in a northern California area known as Altamont Pass. Wind farms built there decades ago kill more than 60 per year.
Isn't that just friggin' wonderful?  And it gets even better: to borrow from Jay,
My real beef, though, is this:
The research affirms an AP investigation in May, which revealed dozens of eagle deaths from wind energy facilities and described how the Obama administration was failing to fine or prosecute wind energy companies, even though each death is a violation of federal law.
Got that? These wind mill farms are committing federal crimes and not being prosecuted for them. Sound familiar? Their  machinery is causing the death of a protected species - if it were a coal mine killing condors by the hundreds every year, this would be front page news and WON'T SOMEONE DO SOMETHING TO SAVE THE CONDOR. But because this is shiny happy "alternative power" we look the other way. I'll tell you something, folks. If I ran over a hundred eagles in a year, they'd have me in a Hannibal Lecter cage faster than you could say Earthf**ker...


Keith said...

In Britain, fracking for shale gas was stopped incase it disturbed over wintering waterfowl on Morcombe Bay, the bay is surrounded by hundreds of offshore bird mincers.

double standards?

This shows some of the peat slides set off by Irish wind farm developments in County Galway in 2003

It doesn't cover those in 2007 such as Stacks Mountain in county Kerry

Windy Wilson said...

1. Yes, if Fracking were shown to kill half the number of birds over a 10 year period (twice the time), Fracking would be illegal everywhere regardless of Eagle range.
2. This number is based on sloppy reporting, something like what goes on in f(GB) with the reporting of murders, which is why they can report murders of only 17 per year.