Friday, July 19, 2013

It appears that the clown who wrote the 'black kids are scary' crap

is practicing Reasoned Discourse™; I'd left two comments, and both disappeared into moderation*.  And the only three comments showing are all approving and supportive.

Ain't it wonderful?

Why do we not believe them when they say 'Nobody wants to take your guns!' ?
Experience and history.

“My child is gifted. He’s also 29, unemployed, and living in my basement” 
One of the followup statements is  He has a college education, it’s pointless for him to be out working in a retail store or some other menial job. I will be here for him until he is able to get the job he deserves.
You really should read the response; it's worth the time, I promise.

Once more, the 'terrorist watch list gun ban' raises its ugly head.

One sign of a corrupt politician: he's got the money to pay for this, but he'll steal the money from taxpayers instead.  And claim that since 'it's for the public good', that all is well.
Brina Milikowsky, a policy adviser to Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Mayors Against Illegal Guns, recently revealed that MAIG will use NYC tax dollars to push for stricter gun control regulations at the state and federal levels.
To make matters more complicated, Milikowsky also draws a hefty $99,000 salary from the tax payers. It is standard operating procedure for government employees to be paid with taxes, but Milikowsky devotes herself to “legislative advocacy, primarily.”

*I'm willing to cut some slack on the first, it was simply that his statement was one of the most idiotic things I'd heard in a while; maybe it shocked his tender feelings.  The other pointed out a couple of things and asked a question; dumping that was purely "I don't want any disagreement."


Phelps said...

Isn't the point of a terrorist watch list that it's secret? Doesn't this just get jihadis an easy heads up to know when the state is onto their scheme?

Firehand said...

Y'know, that's an interesting point

Anonymous said...

Until your name ends up on the list and you are unaware of why you cannot buy a firearm. Remember, one party of our gov wants a significant portion of the other on that list. Once on the list you have no legal recourse to get off of it.