Friday, August 24, 2012

I didn't know it was National Knife Day!

So good thing I looked over here today.

In honor of the day, here's the pocketknife I've been carrying lately:
Kershaw assisted-opening; picked it up at a fun show about eight months ago. Smooth action, locks positively, and the blade was sharp as it came from the factory(which is as it should be). I've been quite happy with it: it holds an edge very well, and all it's taken to touch it up has been a few strokes on a ceramic stick.

And, since he had that Dundee clip posted, here's a real knife:
First big knife I ever made. 8.5" blade forged from leaf spring, brass guard, antler hilt. I've used this to cut meat, prune limbs, chop firewood and anything else that came along to test it on. Not long after made it, almost sold it(two kids, bills, the usual); happily things eased enough that I didn't have to, I'd have missed it.


Gerry N. said...

Hmmm. I didn't know either. Must have sensed it though. I spent two hours last night and this morning digging out and touching up the edges of at least a dozen and a half different knives, some of which I'd forgotten about. Weird, that.

Gerry N.

Marja said...

I have a pretty good collection of the traditional Finnish knives, puukko, except I'm still missing the Kauhavalainen:

Really want one of those horsehead models. I have been trying to snatch an old one from somewhere, but they are pretty popular with collectors and the good ones can sell for quite a bit more that these new ones. Maybe I'd just better settle for buying a new one, they are not particularly expensive.

BobG said...

I liked leaf springs for making knives; I was able to adjust the temper to just about anything I wanted, and they have a decent carbon content.

Firehand said...

I used leaf and coil springs for a LOT of stuff over the years; it was my favorite for bigger blades that would/could be used for heavy cutting work.

One of my "Back to medieval? Are you insane?" points was that I could pick up high-quality steel like this nowadays at scrap prices; back when, you'd have to make or import it.