Either that, or they're a bunch of incompetent fools who ought to be fired.
Olivier de Schutter of the UN has two choices: worry about people starving in places like Syria, or screw with places like the US and Canada: guess which he chooses?
I'm at the point of thinking "I'm with the UN" should be considered the moral equivalent of "I'm a child molester."
Re: TSA -- those aren't mutually exclusive.
TSA is an attempt to continue a security model that not only failed on 9/11, but actually enabled the terrorist's success. This model not only ensured that there were (almost) no better weapons than boxcutters aboard the airliners, but it counseled against the passengers and crew doing anything to defend themselves. No pilot even thought about grabbing the fire axe in the cockpit and defending himself. Passengers with hard-sided briefcases, heavy books, and many other items that could have been used as shields and improvised weapons, sat and did nothing while the aircrew was slaughtered.
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