Monday, July 18, 2011

Something else that cannot be forgotten about Gunwalker:

It wasn't just Phoenix:
Once again, "Fast and Furious" was merely the Phoenix branch of a much larger operation -- a NATIONAL POLICY -- mandated by the DOJ at the behest of the White House.

Remember that things done in a bureaucracy, any bureaucracy, are done according to policy and areas of operation and responsibility. Dallas, where the weapons which the Feds say were found at the scene of the Zapata murder, is NOT in the area of the Phoenix Field Division. It IS in the area of the Dallas Field Division.

So I asked some long-time ATF agents this question: "What coordination is required when a case straddles FD's AOs? Is one FD allowed to proceed with investigations in another's AO without coordination or handing it off?"

One answered tersely: "No investigation without notifying the affected other division."

Said another:
Cross division cases are rare. The SACs hate losing the glory and hate poaching. If there is a cross division operation, I guarantee you BOTH SACs are read in and up on the details it would be highly -- I repeat highly -- outside policy to operate in another division without the bosses' approval.
"The bosses' approval" refers to national ATF headquarters.
And that cannot be forgotten. And is one reason DoJ & Co. are so busy lying and stonewalling the investigators.

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