The Iranian Ministry has stated that some 30000 industrial computers have been infected by Stuxnet. One of the main operations done by Stuxnet is that it extracts vital information from these systems and then sends it somewhere abroad. Iran has termed this virus as a spy virus, as it is deploying vital data to other countries. On the other hand it is said, a similar attack has been reported from Iran’s latest nuclear power plant facility, but these reports have not yet been confirmed.Three-thousand industrial computers … what industries and how extensive the damage is Iran isn’t saying. But we can hazard the guess that most of it is militarily related. Besides the ability to send information abroad, “Stuxnet” is reportedly able to commandeer computers and direct them to destroy what they are managing. If true, this changes the face of warfare.
If they're admitting that, no telling how bad the damage actually is. Little further along it's suggested getting the thing into their systems was an inside job; I have to wonder. If the Israelis built it for the purpose, well, we're talking the people who managed to get a top terrorists' backup cell phone and put a bomb in it, then hex his primary so he had to use the backup, and boom; their worried about literal national survival, that'd definitely give you an extra push to put things together. In any case, it's causing the Iranian government fits.
Couple of days ago there was a news blurb about 'anti-war activists' having their homes raided, etc.; here's a bit more on that:
Before the FARC terror leader was killed he met with a leader of the radical leftist RNC Welcoming Committee who travelled to Colombia for the meeting. Reyes was responsible for kidnapping Americans and trafficking drugs to pay for terror. Like the Marxist Reyes, RNC activists also planned to kidnap Republican delegates in St. Paul in 2008.
Ray Robison at The Examiner reported on the links between the RNC Welcoming Committee activists and the Marxist FARC terrorists in the Colombian jungles.
The website carries a press release which sheds light on the activities of the RNC Welcoming Committee. The online notification posted June 8th, 2007 by a woman named Jessica Sundin calls for a meeting at the University of Minnesota Student Union Center co-hosted by the RNC Welcoming Committee. Sundin is a clerk at the University of Minnesota. Another press release was posted by Sundin in the name of the RNC Welcoming Committee after the convention began.Yeah. Right. Further along we find
Ms. Sundin told the Pioneer Press outlet that she had discussions with the anarchists “but only to make sure they don’t disrupt the march.” Sundin claimed “They’ve made a commitment not to interfere”.
Videos of the speeches are on Google. These websites indicate that Walker, the union leader and Sundin, a union member coordinated for the RNC Welcoming Committee and that it was open knowledge at the time that it was an anarchist group. The “fight back” website also cites a speech in 2004 by union President Walker about a trade dispute with U of M in which she stated that the union should use “any means necessary”. In 2005 she was served with a summons for obstructing legal process but the charges were dismissed for her role in a campus protest.
In other words, she was in it up over her ears. Including the meeting with narcoterrorists described at the start:
In one article on the “fight back” website Sundin describes a trip to Columbia to meet with the now deceased infamous FARC commander Raul Reyes as a representative of the “US solidarity activists”. Reyes was a Communist guerrilla fighter known for cocaine trafficking and kidnapping Americans. Saint Paul Police have alleged a kidnapping plot by the anarchists aimed at the RNC.
And, not surprising, this clown Sundin got a warm wet feeling about this dirtbag:
Sundin described the FARC leader who was convicted of the murders of over a dozen Columbian police officers as such “I enjoyed his warmth and humor. He had a friendly, round face, a quick smile, and surprisingly gentle hands.” (Gee, I wonder how she came up with THAT description?) Of his death she wrote “The criminal Colombian government and their U.S. accomplices should be called to pay for this cowardly and criminal attack.” The Republican Party strongly supports the government of Columbia in its’ fight against the FARC. Some experts consider anarchist groups to be based on communist ideals and fronts for communist activities.
So she's a union clown, she works with anarchists and terrorists, and the Colombian government whacking a terrorist is- of course!- 'cowardly and criminal'. Nice people in the unions and 'anti-war' groups, huh?
Polish Neo-Nazis Discover That They’re Jewish. You just can't get better headlines than that.
Damn good pilots and a damn good machine.
Well, when you swim in waters with an apex predator...
What, did somebody in the Aussie government forget to polish his portrait or something?
Without further comment,

Thanks, Theo
I need breakfast. Later, folks.
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