Graham won't be up for reelection until 2014, but conservative activists' anger toward him suggests he'll face a primary challenge in four years. He said that he'll keep pressing forward toward consensus.
"I'm not a Barry Goldwater Republican; I'm a Ronald Reagan Republican," he said. "If this country's going to survive, we've got to work together in a common-sense way."
Translation: "I'm going to keep betraying conservatives and libertairians, so back off!" For this treacherous sack of crap to call him self a Reagan Republican...
I'm sure all those people who paid cash to attend Rangel's birthday party are just SO happy he's spending those 'campaign funds' to pay legal bills.
Would somebody please inform the Stupid Party that if they try to nominate Gingrich for President, it'll likely be the death knell for it? They do that and there WILL be a third party, because the idiots at the RNC & Co. will have proven they just won't listen or learn.
The unfortunate reality is that — because of media bias — eco-terrorism will continue to be ignored until someone dies, despite the hundreds of millions of dollars in economic damage already caused by groups like the ALF and the occasional high=profile case such as Lee or Joseph Stack.
Hell, when they do manage to kill somebody- more likely a bunch of people- a lot of the media weenies will still try to blame it on Bush and conservatives. And will still make excuses for the terrorists.
So an imam in Australia calls for Geert Wilders to be murdered and beheaded. And this is the same clown who referred to women not walking around in a tent to be 'cat meat'. Go choke on this, Feiz

And Mr. Wilders needs to kick someone in the intelligence services in the ass:
The PVV leader was yesterday informed in detail about the matter. Wilders says he is shocked, and last night consulted Eric Akerboom, National Coordinator for Counterterrorism (NCTb). “I urgently want to know why the NCTb and AIVD never informed me about this.” He also asked “what kind of consequences this has for me,” and called the recording “terrible”.
They didn't inform him because either they're effing morons or they're being PC-at-any-cost and didn't want to make the poor imam look bad.
Texas Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson steered Congressional Black Caucus Foundation scholarships to relatives and the children of relatives, and got busted by the Dallas Morning News. Gabriel covered this story a few days ago.
Cathy over at the Splitters forwarded me a video of Anderson Cooper interviewing Johnson by phone, in which she explains very clearly how she accepts full responsibility, she made a mistake, she didn't know the rules, she paid back all the money, and she's so ready to move on.
'Moving on' should include 'being thrown out of that taxpayer-supplied office'; someone needs to point out to a bunch of her voters "You have kids or grandkids who could have used one of those scholarships? They never had a chance to get one because this bitch was giving them to relatives and friends kids; do you want to REWARD her for that?"
So Nanny Bloomberg may not just be a socialist jackass, but a corrupt socialist jackass...
Oh a happy note, Midway is supporting the Gunblogger Rendezvous and shooters in general; good place to get stuff. If you're one of the people who'll be there,
You bastards.
Why, Senator Reid!
Williams claimed that on two occasions he delivered to Reid at least $10,000 in cash from Mustang Ranch owner Joe Conforte as early as 1970, during Reid’s lieutenant governor campaign. The lie detection test, dated May 30, confirms the veracity of Williams’ statements that Reid built part of his campaign war chest with his ties to Conforte.
The Reid-Conforte relationship began when Reid asked his campaign manager to meet the brothel owner, Williams said. The Mustang Ranch operator was known in political circles as a tracker of Nevada’s races and generous donor.
“Reid implored me to take this meeting because he did not want to be spotted huddling with Conforte. I agreed,” Williams said.
And pointed out by Rodger(along with the above) is this piece of Democrat skulduggery:
Yesterday, North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue signed Executive Order No. 62, declaring a State of Emergency in advance of Hurricane Earle. In doing so, Perdue suspended the right of state residents to use or carry firearms outside their premises.
In recent years, two North Carolina bills could have prevented infringement on individual rights under state of emergency laws. Under Section 3 of House Bill 257: “No Seizure of Lawful Firearms in Emergency,” sponsored by Rep. George Cleveland (R-Onslow) and three other legislators, lawfully possessed firearms and ammunition would have been exempted from the state of emergency law.
Despite support from the state’s primary gun group, Grass Roots North Carolina*, and others the bill died when it was denied a committee hearing by Democrat leadership, including Speaker Joe Hackney (D-Chatham, Moore, Orange) House Majority Leader Hugh Holliman (D-Davidson) and Judiciary Committee Chairman Representative Ronnie Sutton (D-Robeson).
The issue became more urgent in February, when the town of King declared a state of emergency in response to an impending snowstorm and posted the entire town against the sale and purchase of firearms and ammunition.
In response, GRNC worked with Rep. Mark Hilton (R-Catawba) to revamp the bill and introduce it again, with stronger language on the state of emergency issue, during the second year of the legislature’s two-year session as HB 2031. Referred to the House Judiciary I Committee, chaired by anti-gun Rep. Deborah Ross, that bill too died when Democrats denied it a hearing.
On which note, I'll leave you for a while.
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