Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Oh yeah, nothing to worry about here, noooo...

The Department of Homeland Security on Wednesday officially designated the Electoral College vote count and certification as a special national security event, putting the U.S. Secret Service in charge of security surrounding the process.

If you're thinking what I'm thinking, in the aftermath of the July assassination attempt against Donald Trump, the Secret Service — "one of the elite law enforcement agencies in the world" — presently has a self-inflicted, less-than-stellar image.

So, what's the deal? Why this, now?

I'm sure people have a lot of ideas about that.  Mayorkas has lied under oath to Congress so many times they may have lost count(with nothing ever done about it), the USSS has demonstrated a less-than-stellar quality of work and a head who's lied a few times under oath himself, their performance with the two assassination attempts, and now this?

And we sure-hell can't trust the Feebs. Once more, ain't this a wonderful damned mess?

Oh, and speaking of the USSS,
But as the Post noted, Routh only got that close because of a security gap that the “Secret Service has known about for years.”

“News photographers — including those hired by The Post — have had no problem repeatedly securing spots around the perimeter of the course to snap pictures of Trump playing golf or driving around in a golf cart,” the Post reported. “They have even taken images — which require a clear line of sight to the 45th president — unnoticed through the bushes with telephoto lenses.

“Some have gotten as close as 75 yards — without so much as a sideways glance from the Secret Service.”


Anonymous said...

Homeland security leaked Trump's itinerary to the fbi who then leaked it to their willing patsies, one of them being routh.

Justin_O_Guy said...

A Perfect Fox/Henhouse analog.
The Swamp counts the votes to determine whether or not the Swamps enemy wins.

Peaowed said...

I have a great idea...why don't they appoint Kumala as the "Election Czar" ? Unlike her crash-and-burn results as Border Czar, I have absolutely no doubt she would be spectacularly successful when it comes to counting the votes.

ColdSoldier said...

They’re counting on one of two things 1) the steal is to look more obvious this time than last (if that’s even possible) 2) if Trump wins they aren’t certifying him. Either way Trump won’t be certified

Dan said...

They are setting the narrative to support the coming massive fraud they are planning.