Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Two on American food

Some people, I believe it

Did you wonder what the hell was going through that Met Police bigshot's head when it started to threaten to go to other countries to arrest people for unauthorized speech?


Matthew W said...

I always knew Cleese was a stark raving mad liberal, but he used to be on the side of free speech.
He recently went mental with TDS on twitter and is now a POS to me.

Country Boy said...

What was going through that Met Police bigshot's head? Simple. He knew it would impress the locals who believe he has that power, and that the locals that might call him on his bullshit would never be allowed to contradict him. The British equivalent of the Gestapo and KGB will make sure of that. Don't laugh, you can also rest assured that American politicians and the FBI are taking notes.

Dan said...

For most people, a taste of power goes to their heads and they seek and seize more if possible. This is especially true for idiot leftists.

Anonymous said...

Saw Mr Cleese two weeks ago and came away impressed. He trashed on Hollywood and how they only want to make movies that cost over $100 million. He also went off on how people are way too easily offended - and this was in a room full of lefties.