Monday, September 09, 2024

The question is how many others are already running around here,

and what plans do they have?
Panamanian authorities have reported that members of Hezbollah, one of the most influential paramilitary groups in the Middle East, have been detected crossing the Darién jungle. Authorities also noted that these individuals are linked to groups involved in migrant smuggling.

Costa Rica’s Minister of Security, Mario Zamora, explained that the recent rise in migration has heightened alerts for individuals connected to terrorism. However, no direct cases involving Hezbollah have been reported in Costa Rica so far.

Other cases of individuals with links to terrorism, however, have been recorded. “Costa Rica has detained three individuals with international terrorism alerts: two Somalis linked to a little-known group and an Egyptian connected to Al Qaeda. Currently, we have a person from Kazakhstan, linked to ISIS, in custody. This migratory flow has brought individuals with a history of terrorism,” Zamora stated.

Then we come to another question: do Biden/Harris and most of the Evil Party give a damn?


Grog said...

Question 2, no they don't give a damn, question 1, they have been arriving here for some years.

Peaowed said...

You have to remember ... diversity is our strength. The Party says so.