Wednesday, May 04, 2022

On the current screaming of the leftists to either impeach the Supremes-

some of them- or burn the court down with them all inside, isn't it wonderful how that's peaceful protest instead of 'insurrection', and justified?
Ran across this piece on how the courts have been getting so badly screwed up, and here's a part on this particular mess:
I know several people who have clerked for the Court. And because I am, like every journalist, utterly and shamelessly nosy, I have pressed all of them to share their personal anecdotes about the mysterious men and women in black robes. Sure, they’d share fun details about pick-up basketball, or the famously warm relationship between Scalia and RBG. Maybe, years after the fact, they’d tell a highly curated, well-rehearsed story. But the idea of breathing a word about the actual workings of the court, about a decision that had not yet been made public—that would have appalled every single one of these people, liberal and conservative alike.
I called up one of the smartest professors I know at one of the top law schools in the country, and he echoed that: “To my knowledge, it’s never happened before in the modern history of the court. It is the most serious possible breach.”

Serious, severe, shocking, he said. But in the end, not surprising. Why not? Here’s how he put it: “To me, the leak is not surprising because many of the people we’ve been graduating from schools like Yale are the kind of people who would do such a thing.”

What did he mean by that? “They think that everything is violence. And so everything is permitted.”
(bold mine)

He went on: “I’m sure this person sees themselves as a whistleblower. What they don’t understand is that, by leaking this, they violate the trust that is necessary to maintain the institution.”
Why would they?  They've been throwing fits about everything from "You can't let THEM speak here!" to "That teacher upsets us,  fire him!" for years, and getting away with it; why would they give a damn about the institution?  The heads of most universities have taught them they don't have to care, and the consequences are showing.

1 comment:

Dan said...

This was not a "leak". It was a deliberate act with a political agenda. And odds are good at least one of the black robed pirates was personally involved in this.