Are you convinced that you’re being oppressed by all the people around you?
You’re not just a paranoid schizophrenic. You might also be a Social Justice Warrior.
Spain caught a bunch of people planning terrorist attacks. Some of the bad guys have a different plan for the long term:
While Martínez was busy dreaming of blowing things up, other radical Muslims in Spain are taking a longer view. Abdelwahab Houzi, a local jihadist preacher, has this chilling bit of advice: “Muslims should vote for pro-independence parties, as they need our votes. But what they do not know is that, once they allow us to vote, we will all vote for Islamic parties because we do not believe in left and right. This will make us win local councils and as we begin to accumulate power in the Catalan autonomous region, Islam will begin to be implemented.”
These 'feminists' are almost beyond parody.
Whooping is fun for some, but can be super inaccessible for others, so please try not to whoop! Jazz hands work just as well #nuswomen15
— NUS Women's Campaign (@nuswomcam) March 24, 2015
Some delegates are requesting that we move to jazz hands rather than clapping, as it's triggering anxiety. Please be mindful! #nuswomen15
— NUS Women's Campaign (@nuswomcam) March 24, 2015
But make sure it’s low jazz hands, not those racist high jazz hands.
#nuswomen15 please do low jazz hands as high jazz hands can be inaccessible for ppl watching you all! #accesskilljoy
— Aisling (@twoshadesofhope) March 24, 2015
But maybe all jazz hands are racist.
Sorry quick question about the Jazz hands – aren't they cultural appropriation? @womcam @NUS_Vonnie
— Amelia Hamer (@HamerAmelia) March 24, 2015
And on, and on...At this point I'd been planning to be at the lake with the dogs. However, it clouded over and the grass is so wet it might as well have rained. And that level of new footprints and such in the truck I do not need, so that'll have to wait.
However, breakfast now sounds like a fine idea.
What is a jazz hand, high or low?
beats hell out of me
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