I don't know what holiday dinners are like at Michael Bloomberg's house, but I suspect there's an awful lot of picking at food while the windbag at the head of the table lectures the assembled guests about why he's right and they're all idiots. That's the message I get from his pet Mayors Against Illegal Guns organization, which wants its loyal minions, if there are any, to sit down to their Thanksgiving feasts and immediately start fights with relatives they haven't seen in a year about gun control.
Ha! I've stopped getting into any discussions regarding gun control. In general, people have an overly simplistic view of any proposed measures. Everyone can say what should be done, but no one seems to understand how impossible most of the would be to enforce.
Sure, lets have a pair of rednecks and an Army vet talk gun control with their significant others (the daughter of a firearms instructor and a precision shooter included), in front of their good Southern mama. I'm sure ol Mikey would love to see that conversation.
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