Saturday, November 23, 2013

That drink can stove I posted on updated

the other day?  Found a can and tried it; it works.

Hardest part: getting the top cut out without destroying the can.  I've got some 91% isopropyl alcohol and tried it with that; had a hard time getting it to light, but once lit it took right off.  Put a small pot with 1.5-2 cups of water on top, and it took roughly 3 minutes to have it to a boil, and used very little alcohol.

No pictures, as the flash washed out the flames and I'm too lazy tonight to screw around with it; I'll try for a decent shot tomorrow.

Update: from Scott in comments, this is too good not to add on:
Did that as a kid - while sitting in a deer stand....folgers coffee can with a roll of toilet paper soaked in alcohol....take the lid off - light - and I had a nice smokeless hand warming like a champ..


Anonymous said...

Did that as a kid - while sitting in a deer stand....folgers coffee can with a roll of toilet paper soaked in alcohol....take the lid off - light - and I had a nice smokeless hand warming like a champ..

Differ said...

I couldn't get my attempt to self-sustain using 70% isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alc).... Don't think the design is so critical...but will retry with higher proof ethyl alc...

Evyl Robot Michael said...

That's a far better design than the last drink can alcohol stove I copied. It worked. I guess. I could tell even before they lit it that this design was going to be superior to what I'd messed with before. I may have to make a couple of these with the boy.

Lokidude said...

We used kerosene and tp in a coffee can to make torches when I was in Scouts. Worked wonders.