Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wonder how happy Cumberland County will be with Sheriff Butch Burgess

and Deputy Avery Aytes after they finish writing the settlement check?
Aytes's boss, Cumberland County Sheriff Butch Burgess is described as saying he "hasn't seen the video and doesn't need to, because it won't tell the whole story. He says Aytes was just doing his job."
I have doubts the jury will see it that way.

And yeah, looks like a large part of this is "We can't allow the peasants to make their own lower!"
More on the subject, including
Rabidly anti-gun Congressman Steve Israel (D-NY) has introduced H.R. 1474, the "Undetectable Firearm Modernization Act,"to not only renew the old ban, but expand it to ban plastic magazines (but only those made by "unlicensed" manufacturers--a decidedly odd provision, given the current lack of a licensing requirement for magazine manufacturers--does he propose to impose such a requirement?), as well. This is a pet issue of Israel's, whose website actually devotes a page to the issue of "plastic guns."
And reveals his real agenda: restrict and then ban EVERYTHING.

Like I told a friend who was bitching about 'that !(#&*@ website!', the real problem isn't the website, it's the huge pile of crap it's based on.

Awww, the poor agency is losing experienced personnel(who acted in illegal or unethical ways) and now the replacements shoved into the slots don't know what to do(because apparently said agency doesn't bother to make sure anyone other than the current placeholder knows what they're doing); and we're supposed to feel bad for the new placeholders who don't know what the hell they're doing.

Attention, you racist bastards: Screw You.  We're sick to death of you using 'Racism!' as a club to try to beat people into submission.

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