Families USA (FUSA) — an organization that describes itself as a “national nonprofit, non-partisan organization dedicated to the achievement of high-quality, affordable health care for all Americans” — was given a $1.1 million grant by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation on October 4, 2013, to gather “success stories” of Americans dealing with Obamacare and distribute them to the media who often refer to them as an “independent” group. This is part of a greater upcoming effort to bolster the perception of the lowly health care law.
At fault is a common electronic device invented nearly a century ago and found in almost every modern household: the domestic television set.
Put simply, our TVs have started spying on us.
My nephew Sean Smith was killed in Benghazi – I’d like to know what happened on Sept. 11, 2012
Us too.
Charitable hospitals that treat uninsured children will now be fined and receive harsher scrutiny when applying for non-profit, tax-exempt status.
Hot damn! If you need bullets,
Because the IRS hasn't broken the law and ethics enough, apparently.
More of that flexability with Russia: bowing down to kiss Putins' ass.
So according to this idiot the 1st Amendment ONLY covers churches and schools...
And finally, the best Thanksgiving show EVER!
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