Friday, January 27, 2012

Does make you think Holder is supposed to take the fall

to protect Obama and others:
Sipsey Street Irregulars has learned that the Department of Justice, at the direction of the White House, has dumped more than 500 pages of documents including emails on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chaired by Darrell Issa tonight. Sources say that among these are at least one email on 15 December 2010 from then US Attorney Dennis K. Burke to Monty Wilkinson, aide to Eric Holder, informing the Attorney General office of the murder of Brian Terry and, later that day, of the seizure at the scene of Fast and Furious weapons. More shortly.
LATER: NPR was apparently the preferred outlet for the dump. Go here --
They also have the emails posted. Holder is screwed. Of course the only reason they're doing this is to further the modified limited hangout, which now apparently includes Eric Holder. Remember, these are the emails that the WH WANTED to release. What does that tell us? That they're protecting the White House and are willing to dispose of Holder to do it.

This morning, found that at Examiner:

The emails are heavily redacted shielding not just information, but the identities of certain senders and recipients. Stipulating a possibly legitimate need to withhold facts pertaining to ongoing criminal investigations, the question of why the names of key individuals, including those in the US Attorney’s office are also withheld must be explored.

Also, any discussion of “controlled deliveries” and coordination with Mexican officials does not occur in the disclosed communications threads until February 4, 2011—Gun Rights Examiner’s “Journalists’ Guide to Project Gunwalker” chronicles reporting and revelations made in this column and on Sipsey Street Irregulars prior to that action—reporters and interested individuals should consult that document to see for themselves how much of this story was already documented by that time, including revelations made on Jan. 6 in this column that the Mexican government had been intentionally left uninformed up until ATF and DOJ officials decided it was in their interests almost a month later to contact them.

Of particular interest from the Dec. 15, 2010 email from Holder aide Monty Wilkinson to then-US Attorney Dennis Burke:

I’ve alerted the AG…

When did Holder say he first became aware of it?

HOLDER: I’m not sure of the exact date but I probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks.

That was on May 3, 2011 (see sidebar video player).

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