Friday, December 02, 2011

When a piece of 'gun nuts' whining hits the second paragraph

like this:
Though he had said nothing about gun control in the campaign*, Obama, to a certain kind of person, appeared to be a grave threat to the Second Amendment. He was urban — Chicago, not the kind of place where a man could shoot a coyote with a laser-sighted Ruger while on his daily jog, as Gov. Rick Perry claims to have done. He was professorial, with scholastic braising at that home of confiscatory consensus, Harvard. And he’d made that statement about rural people clinging to guns and religion.
you pretty much know exactly what's coming. It's as if his pre-White House 'Ban this, license that, restrict everything else' record doesn't exist. Oh, and Gunwalker started under BOOOOSH!, and this was done the same way but we let BOOOOSH! get away with it, and it really was just a flawed LE action, and... etc.

*My note: he also seems to have forgotten that "Even if I wanted to take your guns away, I don't have the votes!" line; we haven't. Nor what it means.

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